Monday, July 19, 2010


I am wondering why I can't post any more pictures here on my blog? =( The box that I used to click to attach pictures is just gone=(

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Poison Ivy? =(

I developed rashes yesterday on my feet that were quite itchy =( I didn't panic because they looked like something I've had before but today it has spread in some other parts of my body and bothered me quite a bit. My husband thinks it might have something to do with poison ivy but I am not sure since we don't have poison ivy in the Philippines. He cautioned me not to scratch the itch as that will cause it to spread even more and before I know it I might be covered in bumps =(

I spent some time thinking of how I may have had come in contact with a poison ivy yesterday since we didn't really go out aside from going to the pool for awhile. I did go out last Friday to pick up some school supplies to use for my review but I had been home for most part of the week...

Oh snap I hate it when parts of your body itches. Add the fact that it had been hot this week and if it continues to be hot I am definitely going to suffer the itch more. My poor husband would have to deal with me I suppose...

I can only hope that tomorrow when I wake up I am not covered in bumps! I guess this is the perfect time to ask Google what to do! Thanks to technology, everything is basically within reach even poison ivy! =S

Friday, July 16, 2010

Time You Thief!

It's been another week and it caught me by surprise!

It seemed like it just snuck up on me like a thief in the night. That said I remember that cliche that says something like "Time you thief..." and oh add a biblical phrase that goes like " will come like a thief in the night.."

My week had been very interesting with my birthday celebration, my husband's grandpa in the hospital, my grandma not doing good, studying for my licensing exam, running errands, making crafts, cooking and cleaning =) All of these things mentioned, I told my husband awhile ago that I haven't done much this week. I feel that there's so much work to be done in general and often times I ask myself "where did all the time go?"

I think I will go crazy if I try to account for every minute of my life that I have either used wisely, lost and/or wasted away. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who share in this sentiment. There had been times when I thought I had a surplus of time only to find out that I didn't get to finish a task and only if I had 5 more minutes or so I would have finished but oh it's just too late. Regret follows and frustration comes hand in hand unfortunately.

I remember my folks used to tell me to always use my time and resources wisely because they are valuable and unlike a music record that I can rewind, I can't rewind/turn back time and resources wasted. However here is where the NOW matters because you realize that if you don't act now then not only did you waste time before now but as well as your now which adds up to more time wasted later on.

The point is, I have to make things count and account for my time that way I can feel that I am able to achieve things for myself and make myself happier.

I am not very sure why I ended up writing about time but I guess it's all because I feel pressured somehow that I haven't studied as much as I could have this week. One thing for sure, I can change my habits and manage my time better in the future that way I don't look back and say to myself that I wasted more time for nothing.

If I have the power to turn back time I will go back to when I was in college and harness my full potential as a student, friend, sister to my siblings and daughter to my parents.

If I have the power to fast forward time, I would put it to a first Christmas with my and my husband's family with our kids =)

If I have the power to freeze time, it would be at a time when both my husband's and my family are at their prime successes.

I guess this is a good point to keep in mind : Time is precious, make it count.

It's weekend and it's time to relax and unwind a little bit with my husband =) That doesn't mean wasting time because spending time with your husband and loved ones is very important and making every time spent with them count.

I truly miss my family back home and I regret that when I was back home I didn't make it all count so much because I thought I had time. Such a hard and painful way to learn a valuable lesson in life but those are the ones that count the most! =)

Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh Beads!

My birthday is not quite over yet!

I got my package today from my family in the Philippines and the beads I used to craft these pieces came from that box! =)

I was so excited when my husband and I opened the box over lunch. I was anxious to know what's inside that's so heavy that caused my parents to pay over a $100 to ship it here to the U.S. from the Philippines.

I got my new bamboo flute from my sister, song books, new pair of flip flops, shirts, capri pants, some delicacies from back home, tons of beading supplies, headbands, sewing machine needles, some medicine and a lot of little trinklets =) My husband got a new belt, wallet and nice silver pen (thank God, he's got a nicer pen for his pocket! Hunny, if you ever find this post I don't like you carrying around that complimentary pen in your pocket because you deserve better than that! )

Lots of thanks to my family for the treats and gifts =)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Amazing Day!

My day started with a traditional Filipino breakfast prepared by my husband (who's white!). He made longsilog (Longanisa + Egg + Sinangag or Garlic Fried Rice) for breakfast and it was very tasty. It was his first time to make such a meal but I was surprised how good it all turned out. I am very flattered that my husband treats me like a princess at the same time I just marveled at how good he inculturates himself to my culture.

I got to chat with my mom for a little while and got some scoops from back home. I am very happy to know that they are all well and my sister and brother both started on their new jobs this week =) I am crossing my fingers that they will both be successful and that my parents will feel more comfortable in time. Like I always say, there is no greater joy than knowing that all your loved ones are safe and sound wherever they are.

Anyway, I shared a "first" experience with my husband when I prepared kare-kare for the first time ever in my life for lunch today. I have never prepared this dish but thanks to Google, everything is within reach! I Googled the recipe for kare-kare and it turned out so good. I didn't strictly follow the measurements, kinda eyeballed some of the ingredients, but it still tasted like the kare-kare I've known from back home. Below is the link for the recipe I used for those who are daring enough to give it a try =)

After all our "firsts" for today, my husband and I headed out to see Sorcerer's Apprentice. It was pretty good =) Amazingly it turned out to be a love story! My husband found it to be pretty good and that matters more than what I think because he's harder to please in that department. He is very smart and easily notices loop holes in a movie's plot, characters, etc. I on the other hand just seat there and watch to entertain myself. I am easily blown away with the "oh that's a pretty place," or "oh my they can fly!" or "boy, these characters are indestructible!" or simply "awww love!" stuff in movies.

I am not really very anal with movies in short. I don't even remember the whole movie after awhile or the actors and actresses that were in certain movies! I am pretty bad at those because I honestly just didn't grow up watching a lot of TV and movies. I guess my parents successfully channeled my interests into arts and crafts, cleaning, cooking, studying and just about anything that is productive.

Some find it weird that I am not all excited with watching TV or movies but that's just me. I am grateful that that's not all I want to do everyday because I feel more productive the way I am . I'm not saying that watching TV or movies is bad but with the quality of shows we have in our time today, you spend more time seeing bad ones than good ones. It's a sad, sad, sad reality but we put this to ourselves... we've supported bad shows that led to the birth of more bad shows =( Oh I just remembered an advertisement in the theater awhile back for a kiddie version of something like kindle where kids can practice reading in different levels of difficulty and what not. I wasn't able to help myself but whispered to my husband "OMG look at the toys nowadays... I wonder what kind of toys will be out by the time we have a kid?!"

It's amazing how technology has evolved through time but what's even more amazing is how we have let it evolved not only to good and productive but bad and destructive as well.

I guess I've really turned on a chapter of my life in that I view some things more differently now. I am more sentimental and I put more value on things around me, my experiences and the people I encounter and love.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Turning the Pages of My Life =)

It's my birthday today here in the U.S. and I turn 28!

Turning the pages of my life to the next chapter is very exciting knowing that my husband is with me today and hopefully for the years to come.

I am definitely the happiest wife ever! My husband made bread for me for breakfast, fillet mignon for lunch and bowl of fruits and my birthday cake for dinner! =)

I wish I was able to share this day with the rest of my family but I guess having something to look forward to is the biggest motivation one could ever have to continue to hope, persevere and achieve in life. The journey hasn't been easy for me the past couple of years but I turn to another chapter of my life with joy, love, pride and dignity because I have stood strong and survived my life's challenges.

Monday, July 12, 2010