Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Royalty Breakfast =)

I woke up late this morning and found my husband missing beside me.

I walked out our bedroom with Puti (my white teddy bear that my husband gave me when we were still dating) in my arms and found my husband in front of his computer. I took the liberty to seat on his lap and have him cuddle me like a baby. I hanged around there for awhile while I wasn't totally awake yet. I wasn't aware of the time or day but I know I felt good just right there with my husband when he broke the question "do you want me to make you breakfast dear? I figure you must be hungry since you got up late." I popped my eyes open and gave a big yes! I guess I was hungry!

My husband made me french toast with grilled bananas and caramel syrup topped with fresh whip cream! A royalty breakfast I call it! =) He made everything from scratch and it was really very tasty! Add the effort and love he put into making this wonderful breakfast for me oh it was just heavenly!

I just can't ask for anything more!

I was treated like a princess from morning and the rest of the day and days before today and tomorrow is undoubtedly another royalty day =)

I feel very lucky to have a husband who makes me feel very special. I can't help but brag about it because I know that this doesn't happen to every couple on a daily basis nor does it happen for free. I hate to say this but it seems like we all come with price tags in one way or another. We are all definitely flawed in one way or another but somebody's got to give way sometimes while the other receives and vice versa.

I am sharing this amazing experience I have with my husband right now because this is certainly the opposite experience I had with my ex husband. To those who just discovered my blog, I am on my second marriage now and I am very happy and contented. I had an ex husband who was a narcissist. I didn't even realize that he came with that price tag until after our divorce and I was married to my second husband. I was that naive and innocent as always! I realized I have to mention this to let you know that I have had the best and worst and I am talking from a stand point of both.

My husband has a saying that goes like "Happy Wife, Happy Life." It's very simple but the more I think about it, the more I believe in it. The wife has this big responsibility of holding the family intact and together but that doesn't discount the fact that the husband plays a very essential role in making the effort to help his wife fulfill that responsibility. I think that the husband being supportive, honest, caring, considerate and loving to his wife makes his wife happy enough to take on the responsibilities in their behalf and fulfill them. It sounds very plain and simple but I am not sure that this is very clear to couples.

Breakfast is not a very exciting meal for me but my husband cracked a way to make it exciting =) He doesn't prepare breakfast for me everyday but it's that surprise and uncertainty of when is he going to do it and how that does all the tricks! I am often the one thinking of how to surprise him but men, when he does it it gives me shivers!!!

Husbands, this is a sure way to make your wives happy, prepare a meal for your wife once in a awhile. It doesn't have to be gourmet, just simple and straight from the heart. Another is grab some flowers on the way home or take home a piece of pastry from a luncheon meeting or just any little thing to let your wife know you were thinking about her even at work. Same goes for wives, grab a bunch of flowers for your husband, clean up your place, light some candles, get your lingerie on and surprise your husband after his long boring day at work!

If couples untiringly keep the fire in their relationships, there is a good chance that you are going to stay together for a very very long time.

I hope I made sense. I am just so in love with my husband that I can't help but talk about it!

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