Saturday, July 10, 2010

Under the Weather...

My husband and I are both under the weather right now..

I pity my husband for most part because he really struggled to go to work this week while I felt so helpless watching him everyday =(

I thought to myself I don't mind getting sick since I just stay home all the time but my husband is a different story because he has to go to work and on top of that deal with me. If only I had a magic wand I would have taken away that cold and cough away from him!

Anyhow, my mom gave me a list of things to do, medicine to take and food to prepare to help my husband get better. It brought back a lot of memories from when I would get sick when I was still back home in the Philippines.

I remember my mom would lovingly prepare either a huge pot of chicken noodle soup or arroz caldo (chicken and ginger in a porridge) to feed me and the rest of the family. She also makes this special concoction of tea, calamansi (citrus fruit similar to lime or lemon) and honey or a ginger brew with a little sugar and have me drink that to soothe my sore throat or simply give a calming effect. She would rub my chest, back and neck with Vick's Vapour Rub and wrap me in a blanket and before I know it I have fallen asleep. I'd wake up feeling better and ready for another round of my chicken soup or arroz caldo and my mom's concoctions =)

My mom's love is the best drug I know of! Nothing compares to a mom who selflessly, lovingly and patiently nurses you back to health, a mother's healing touch!

I made a big pot of chicken noodle soup today and some ginger brew for my husband and me =) I purchased Vicks Vapour Rub as well and rubbed it on my husband before we go to bed at night and whenever I wake up in the middle of my sleep. If anything, I would do anything to make my husband feel better! =)

I enjoyed my day today spending it with my husband. I am very truly lucky to have a husband who's very appreciative of what I do for him and very giving of himself.

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