Friday, July 2, 2010

My Not So Ordinary Day

I had one of my worst, slowest, restless and sleepy day today! =C

It was 2nd day to my monthly cycle and it was just terrible. It seemed like I woke up at the wrong side of the bed except that there still laid my gorgeous husband beside me with his angelic face.

Our day began with my husband's phone alarming and the next thing I knew it's time to exercise. We did our exercise aided by Jillian Michael's 30-day shred program. It's funny how I got my husband to start doing this with me! =) I am very proud of him because he didn't just think I was some crazy wife forcing him to do girly stuff. By all means I don't see this as a girly exercise just because three girls were the ones doing the exercise in the videos. This is honestly my favorite video exercise because it's not too long, you have the option to progress when you're ready, it's intensive and it is holistic where it includes cardio, weight and ab training all rolled into one! I want my husband and I to be together for a very very long time so our health and wellness is on top of my/our list.

Bagel + eggs = breakfast

That happens to be my husband's staple breakfast. He's not a very picky guy but I guess he is at times when opportunity calls for it! After a quick breakfast and internet browsing, there's the quick shower and dress up and he's off to work.

It might sound ridiculous but I miss my husband when he leaves for work. I then keep myself busy for couple of hours then he's back for lunch. My not so ordinary day today began when he left for work.

I felt so weird this morning like light headed, very sleepy and restless due to my period. Oh I hate being a girl because of my monthly pains and visits. I haven't felt this way in awhile but boy this day was a reminder of my worst days in the past where I go as far as passing out. I spent the whole morning sleeping until my husband gave me a kiss and I hurriedly got up realizing that I overslept and haven't prepared lunch for him. Oh I was so embarrassed that my husband found me in bed =( It's just that this is not me being lazy and sleeping for most parts of the day. My husband had lunch and went back to work again.

Anyhow I was craving for french fries but I haven't gone out to get some out of my fear that I might not make back home since I'm not feeling 100% well. I sat in our living room and browsed in the internet, took pictures of the pouches I made yesterday and to my surprise my husband was home around 2-3 pm with french fries, McFish sandwich and chocolate hot fudge for me! I had this big question mark in my face!!! I started wondering what he might have left behind that was too important for him to come home to get it?! As it turned out they were sent home early from work because of the holiday =)

I felt warm fuzzies for my husband coming home with what I was craving for! He had me on his lap while I devour my french fries. He knew I wasn't feeling well from when he found me in bed at lunch time. I felt so happy that I get to keep him and hold him earlier today and nothing beats that for soothing a bad, restless and painful day! I can't explain how ecstatic and comforted I felt at the sight of my husband. It sure does make a difference to just have him around and be able to cuddle with him any time of the day or just stare at his back while he's busy with his computer or be able to say I love you back and forth =)

I love the fact that my husband and I are sensitive to each others needs and are able to verbalize those needs when we feel that we need to break the man-woman barrier / differences. I love the way we try to surprise each other not with fancy things but with efforts of knowing what the other wants or likes or craves at the moment. I love that we openly talk about anything under the sun without the fear of rejection or hatred or being judged. I love that he takes good care of me the best way he knows how and that he makes me feel important and loved. I love that we make each other smile in million ways. I love that we can giggle and cry together and not leaving the other one out. I love that we live a simple life and yet feel that we are the richest couple with our bazillion love for each other! =)

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