Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Amazing Day!

My day started with a traditional Filipino breakfast prepared by my husband (who's white!). He made longsilog (Longanisa + Egg + Sinangag or Garlic Fried Rice) for breakfast and it was very tasty. It was his first time to make such a meal but I was surprised how good it all turned out. I am very flattered that my husband treats me like a princess at the same time I just marveled at how good he inculturates himself to my culture.

I got to chat with my mom for a little while and got some scoops from back home. I am very happy to know that they are all well and my sister and brother both started on their new jobs this week =) I am crossing my fingers that they will both be successful and that my parents will feel more comfortable in time. Like I always say, there is no greater joy than knowing that all your loved ones are safe and sound wherever they are.

Anyway, I shared a "first" experience with my husband when I prepared kare-kare for the first time ever in my life for lunch today. I have never prepared this dish but thanks to Google, everything is within reach! I Googled the recipe for kare-kare and it turned out so good. I didn't strictly follow the measurements, kinda eyeballed some of the ingredients, but it still tasted like the kare-kare I've known from back home. Below is the link for the recipe I used for those who are daring enough to give it a try =)

After all our "firsts" for today, my husband and I headed out to see Sorcerer's Apprentice. It was pretty good =) Amazingly it turned out to be a love story! My husband found it to be pretty good and that matters more than what I think because he's harder to please in that department. He is very smart and easily notices loop holes in a movie's plot, characters, etc. I on the other hand just seat there and watch to entertain myself. I am easily blown away with the "oh that's a pretty place," or "oh my they can fly!" or "boy, these characters are indestructible!" or simply "awww love!" stuff in movies.

I am not really very anal with movies in short. I don't even remember the whole movie after awhile or the actors and actresses that were in certain movies! I am pretty bad at those because I honestly just didn't grow up watching a lot of TV and movies. I guess my parents successfully channeled my interests into arts and crafts, cleaning, cooking, studying and just about anything that is productive.

Some find it weird that I am not all excited with watching TV or movies but that's just me. I am grateful that that's not all I want to do everyday because I feel more productive the way I am . I'm not saying that watching TV or movies is bad but with the quality of shows we have in our time today, you spend more time seeing bad ones than good ones. It's a sad, sad, sad reality but we put this to ourselves... we've supported bad shows that led to the birth of more bad shows =( Oh I just remembered an advertisement in the theater awhile back for a kiddie version of something like kindle where kids can practice reading in different levels of difficulty and what not. I wasn't able to help myself but whispered to my husband "OMG look at the toys nowadays... I wonder what kind of toys will be out by the time we have a kid?!"

It's amazing how technology has evolved through time but what's even more amazing is how we have let it evolved not only to good and productive but bad and destructive as well.

I guess I've really turned on a chapter of my life in that I view some things more differently now. I am more sentimental and I put more value on things around me, my experiences and the people I encounter and love.

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