Thursday, July 8, 2010

Expedition for Shorts

Whoever thought that getting a pair of shorts can be so difficult?!

My home work from my husband this week is to get myself three pairs of shorts to replace my old ones. I thought to myself that's a piece of cake and who doesn't like shopping anyway?

I was completely wrong, shopping is hard! I spent sometime yesterday looking for a pair of shorts and I was just blown away with the prices of things nowadays as well as how hard it was to look for a pair of shorts that fits me just right. I guess the combination of those two made it even more difficult. To add a third thing I was looking for is a pair of shorts that doesn't look sloppy on me. I figured if I am going to pay for a pair of shorts for this price it better be something I can comfortable and proud to wear. I got one pair yesterday! Weeee!

Today, I went out to search for two more pairs and the struggle I had was looking for my size and the style I can tolerate wearing. I didn't want to buy a pair of the "undone" style because I am a married woman and not a teenager! My mom kept appearing in my imagination like what would she say about this pair of shorts on me! ahhahaha! My mom always told us, the girls in the family, that we should present ourselves well when we are out and about because more often than not people judge you by the way you look and unfortunately there is a long lasting effect to first impressions. I know my mom meant well all the time so when she's not happy with what we are wearing she sends us back in the house to change =) Oh I miss my mom!

I was so tired by the time I got back home and my husband beat me home which made me feel so bad! I always feel like I am a bad wife to not be home when my husbands gets home. Why? I want to be there and take care of my husband's needs and wants. I miss him when we're not together and I always just can't wait to see him and hold him! I went home with good news for him though, I finished my home work today! I beat my deadline (tomorrow!). Hhahaah!

What an exhausting expedition for shorts!

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