Saturday, June 12, 2010

Company Picnic =)

Today was my husband's company picnic at work and boy I must say this was my first "American" picnic.

The food was very different from the picnics I've attended back home in the Philippines. Picnics in the Philippines are loaded with serious foods like rice and chicken adobo and inihaw (Barbeque) and fruits (usually pineapple, watermelon, banana, papaya, mangoes and cantaloupe are the common ones). American picnic defined by this one we went to has burgers and hotdogs as the star, some fruits and salad on the side and some finger foods like nachos, popcorn, pretzels and ice cream bars.

There were lots of kids which is about the same in the Philippines as it is mostly a family thing. Games play part of both American and Filipino picnics.

I was a little iffy at first because I had this feeling I might get alienated or something but there were lots of different nationalities, lots of Asians and to my relief even some Filipinos =) I didn't get into conversations with anyone but I was very happy with my husband. He just held my hand for most part and although there were lots of pretty girls around, he never forgot to reassure me how much he loves me, give me kisses and hugs and tell me how pretty I am in his eyes =)

My husband just tops all husbands for me because he is very reassuring and supporting. There was never a time where I felt unloved by him. There were times when I'd wake up feeling ugly but that was just me self pitying myself or well I guess it's cyclic to anyone. We all get our ugly days and what's important is to have someone remind us that we are foolish to think so!

I really had a blast today! My husband even taught me how to fish. We didn't caught any fish but we did get some branches reeled in! lol! I have never done fishing in my life and this is very memorable for me because I shared two firsts in my life with my husband today - First American picnic and First fishing experience =)

I am really happy and grateful for my husband. He makes me feel special, loved, important and pretty! =)

Husbands reading this, learn how to make your wives happy. My husband always tells me "HAPPY WIFE, HAPPY LIFE!" =)

However, I am not just putting the stress on husbands... Wives, make your husbands happy as much as you can too.


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