Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Half a year later...

Six months to my married life, I am a happy, contented, grateful, happy, pampered, loved and appreciated wife!

I had quite an interesting day today from waking up happy to getting mixed up from lunch till dinner!

I was so happy to wake up beside my gorgeous husband this morning. It was like an epiphany of dawn breaking, a breath of fresh air, a love of a lifetime =) My heart was content and peaceful at the same time excited to share experiences with my husband, whatever the rest of our marriage brings us. Just like any other day, he had to go to work and I had to work on things.

Anyhow my day proceeded to some interesting twists with my volunteer work at the Montessori. We had a lunch meeting at an Indian restaurant and I must say there were flavors that reminded me of home (Philippines) while there were some other food that was just way over my palette for a first timer which made me realize that I haven't really been to an Indian restaurant before. I loved the naan bread and some green stuff (my colleagues said it was processed spinach).

My husband dropped me off at the lunch place and on the way to the Montessori I had to ride with one of the teachers. I can't believe that the three other teachers and our boss actually drove in four different cars when they all came from the same place and going back to the same place too. Anyway, I got torn with whom I was going to ride with but I sure did go with one of them. I got to know one of our new teachers better and that made my afternoon even more interesting. I guess I like hearing stories and experiences of other people because it makes me understand and appreciate a person better rather than just judging the person by how he/she looks.

We got back in the Montessori and I finally got to see the kids again and you can just imagine how they get excited and all stirred up when they see somebody they don't get to see everyday. I did a flower craft with them which was not very exciting I thought. I wish I had done something better but that's why there's always a next time! =)

The dinner part was exciting. My husband picked me up from the Montessori and he finally got to look around as the owner toured him and gave him a little background of what we do for the kids. We got to try some Indian tea and delicacies and they were pretty good.

Then off we went to celebrate our 6th Monthsary and went to a Persian restaurant and I must say that was interesting! I've never been to one so the menu just didn't make sense to me. My husband and I ordered anyway and we came to a conclusion that we probably ordered the wrong food however sharing the experience together was great. It was certainly something new for both of us and it was funny how we both had big question marks on our faces as to how we were supposed to eat the food or if they were supposed to be the way there were served.

My husband and I watch a lot of cooking shows and we love to cook at home and that seemed to have spoiled our palettes to the point that we have developed appreciation to food and eating but at the same time have become quite critical with what we eat. We both share the trait of "if we have to eat something bad, it might as well be something tasty."

I was not so crazy with the Indian food I had over lunch but I sure liked that better than the Persian food we had for dinner. However I told my husband that perhaps we have to solicit advice on Persian food from friends next time so we will have a better experience next time.

We wounded up in movie theater to see Clash of the Titans and enjoyed a huge bucket of popcorn together. I must say that movie has reinvented Greek Mythology quite a bit that I want to make sure I watch the old version sometime or read the book. I was so lost in some parts that I kept asking my husband what happened or who are those characters or their relevance and stuff.

I surely had a long, interesting day today but at the end of the day there's only one thing that mattered to me.... I am going back to my husbands embrace loved and happy =)

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