Saturday, June 5, 2010

Who's Your Favorite M&M?

The question remains:


This is hard for me because I like them all!!!

Talk about chocolate and you got my attention
! OR better yet give me some of those and you got my undivided attention!

Who doesn't like chocolates?

Not me for sure!

Chocolate had been my one and only addiction that I know of for life! My sister used to call me chocholic and I guess she even gave me a button that says exactly that!

I can't think of anything that's better at soothing my stress, comforting me in times of distress and making me happy and contented than a wonderful piece of chocolate =) I think about it and that's just one thing that's never going to leave me. I can have it when I want it and can forget about it and it wouldn't even make a single drama or complaint for being neglected and unloved for a moment. Don't get me wrong, I value human interaction / socialization, companionship and relationships but my piece of chocolate is really the drama free version!

I remember my mom cautioning me few years back that diabetes runs in our family both from her side and my father's side of the family and of course I had my wonderful defense of "I'm not eating too much of it." Then months later I wounded up in the emergency room for hypoglycemia so guess what aside from waking up with that nasty plastic oxygen tube in my nose, a bar of chocolate and a bottle of water were waiting for me! I ended up telling my mom "see it's not bad for me, it's medicine!"

Years later, I came here to America and it was haven! I can buy all the chocolates I want and enjoy them as much as like in whatever form they come provided of course I have the money to sustain my addiction! It was mind blowing that those chocolate that I only eat in moderation and for special occasions only when I was back home in the Philippines (they were imported back home so they were awfully expensive for me!) became ordinary, staple chocolates and my everyday chocolates became the special ones.

How ironic huh?!

I was very overwhelmed by the fact that candies (chocolates) here in the U.S. dress up differently every month for the occasion. For that reason I enjoy candies on clearances almost every month! WEeee!

You wonder why I'm all hyped up and happy most of the time??

Go figure! =)

At this point in time I have two important advises for you:
1. Be happy, eat chocolate.
2. Eat in moderation and exercise!

Come'on you can't just eat and eat and not work for it! I love chocolates but I love myself too...I don't ever want to be the first person who died of eating too much chocolates! =)

Enjoy life and live it at it's best!

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