Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Best Hamburger Ever!!

The BEST HAMBURGER I've ever eaten in my life!!!

Bias aside, this is the hamburger that my husband made for me for during Memorial Day weekend. We did a barbeque last Sunday, just the two of us and it was so much fun!

I can hardly remember when I last had an outdoor barbeque but I remember for sure that my dad used to do that almost every weekend some years ago. I never got to do barbeque from start to finish myself, I've always been a helper though! =)

My excitement for the barbeque experience was just so high last Sunday that I posted shout out on my Facebook and it was funny how two of my closest friends in high school commented back:

Myra, my friend in London said that people in London are crazy about BBQ's as well when back in the Philippines it was just an ordinary everyday food / activity.

Nadj, my best friend in the Philippines, commented that even the people in the Philippines looks like BBQ because it's very hot back there!

I laughed my ass off for awhile with these comments but I sure did enjoy my weekend with my husband! =)

At the end of the weekend I thanked my husband and verbalized how much I liked that we did the BBQ and he asked me what I liked about it.. was it that he cooked for me or the hamburger that he made for me???

My response was that I liked everything about it!

I loved the hamburger, in fact the BEST HAMBURGER I'VE EVER EATEN IN MY LIFE!

I loved the effort he put into making everything happen from grocery shopping to picking up the charcoal and lighter fluid, to lighting the charcoal to cooking and platting my food to eating together and just enjoying the whole experience! =)

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