Friday, May 28, 2010

At the end of the day I am a WINNER!

It's been another week and I am concluding it with this picture I dug up from our trip at San Jose, California earlier this year during my brothers visit.

This is just a very happy picture which makes me think of nothing else but that at the end of each day I am a winner just because I have my husband! My mom's words just echoes in my mind, her saying that when you get married you begin to prioritize your husband / family and they just come second in line.

I am feeling very lucky to have my husband for my husband and there's just nothing I could want more than him. He makes everything possible for me! He makes me happy, takes very good care of me, keep me safe and warm and brings out the best in me =) I think that there is nothing more important than having a partner who's nourishing and refreshing the relationship as you do. Of course we've only been married for five months and that is no guarantee that nothing can go wrong in the future but don't you think that a great beginning is a good foundation for the future?? I do!

I have been involved in relationships before but nothing like what I share with my husband now. I look back and I realize how immature I was as well as my exes. It's funny how life shows you how wrong you are/were and have you learn the hard way. Just imagine if we all knew how things are going to turn out each time then we wouldn't have to waste time dealing with pain and frustration and mistakes! Oh boy, only in our imagination!

Anyway, I just really want to boggle your mind a little bit and have you think of what you are happy and grateful for in your life. We are plunging into the long weekend due to Memorial Day and I guess it will be worth our while to realize how lucky and blessed we are for people in our lives, our achievements and the lessons we've learned from our mistakes.

Have a wonderful weekend! =)

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