Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Photographs , Memories, Musings...

This was me X years ago! =)

How time flies huh?!

I can't remember how old I was when this picture was taken but it sure did brought back some memories... I remember around this age I wasn't really very proud and comfortable of the way I look and dress up! Yes, I was very conscious of myself and it was a tough stage. I guess I haven't changed much even because I realize that up to this point in time I can't really say that know myself ( in terms of fashion, likes, how my body works, what I want to do with my life) and it's frustrating! You know that part of you that wants to be able to claim that you have become someone and that you have done something that you can claim your own?

Few days ago I was just talking to a friend about this... It's frustrating for me to realize that in a few months I will be turning another year, another chapter of my life and I seem lost. I don't know my place in this world. I have nothing except for a wonderful family and husband. I guess I was blessed that way and I don't mean not to count them as blessings but I guess the frustration for me is not having a career I can be proud of.

My life seems to be perfect if only I can have a good job, I think that will make it even better.

I seem to have lagged behind career wise and when I think about it and it makes me wonder why I chose this path anyway?

I sat down and gave this a thought... I went back 3 1/2 years ago and thought of the reason why I left the Philippines and realizing that it was a good reason, it made me happier and had me stop bickering. I guess I just have to push harder, figure out what I want to be and work for it. It will take hard work like my husband told me but what doesn't take hard work anyway? Besides after all that I've already put in my life what can be worst?!

Many times in life it takes us a moment to look at a picture and notice the imperfections that we forget to see the beauty that comes along with that picture.

I know I am not the only person who's questioning their lives at this very moment but I hope that when you get to that point don't forget to remind yourself of the beauty that resides in you and be grateful for what you already have! =)

Life is great. Live it.

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