Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The four of us....

These are my siblings and me =)
A picture taken some years ago when we were still quite innocent, cute, obedient, young, honest and full of energy amongst others.

I miss those days when all we care about was to seat on our little plastic chairs and give those puppies a hard time...

I miss those times when my mom has all our clothes laid out in bed, washed and pressed.

I miss those days when I don't have to worry if I have food to eat and home to stay for the night because my parents have it all taken care of.

I miss the warm or hot days when my mom would prepare cold snacks and bring us to the beach until we get all sunburned (because kids never want to go home!) then patiently deal with us whining of our sore backs.

I miss those unwanted sick days when my parents take very good care of me, keep me nice and warm, give me my medicine and cook me the best get well food =)

I miss those times when my brother and sisters go to the grocery store with our parents to pick snacks of our choice when we have no idea of the value of money.

I miss those times when I can swing my little brother and sister high up in the air and play house with them or run around the bushes or cuddle and giggle at our corniest jokes.

I miss those days when my brother and sisters would all just seat together and tell each other how are days were and just talk to our hearts content.

I miss all the innocent jokes and comments we made that made our parents laugh.

I miss the weekends when my family shared lunch and or dinner together, watched movie together and take a stroll out as a family.

I just miss my family and everything we've all shared together.

It's been almost 4 years since I last spent time with my family and although the pangs of homesickness is eating me quite a bit, I can only hope that one day I will get to spend those good times with them again and share the same warmth with the family I am starting with my husband! =)

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