Friday, May 21, 2010

Wrapping up my week

Another week's over and I realize how time really flies! =)

I had a good chat with my mom today and that concluded this week for me. Catching up with the ones you love can be very emotional and there's never a time when it's all pure happy stories, it's always a mix of sweet and sour. In the words of my mom: It makes life worth living to deal with the good and bad!

Nothing too bad though. I am grateful enough that they are all in good health and the big news of the week was that my little sister started her on-the-job (OJT) training as part of her requirements for graduation. I was so excited for her few days ago when she broke the news to me. She is rendering her OJT in an Italian restaurant and oh how I envy her, it must be so much fun!

This brings me back to thinking of my college years where I thought to myself I just can't wait to get done! Few months after I graduated from college I came here to America and started living my life and boy that's when I told myself how I'd want to be in college again. You know the feeling of how kids like to grow up so fast without knowing the repercussions and/or trade offs?! I guess we all have had our shares of that and all I can say is that experience is really the best teacher! No amount of precaution from friends and family can ever soothe that curiosity of ours until we find ourselves in that pit of disaster we were warned about.

"Isn't it ironic don't you think?!" -- boy love that song by Alanis Morissette =)

Going back to catching up with my mom, she told me that it's very hot in the Philippines around this time of the year and very uncomfortable. I recalled myself few years back my wander years back home when I sported the jeans, spaghetti straps and flip flop fashion because that's what I was very comfortable with to walk around and my mom would tell me to wear shoes instead. I never liked wearing shoes because it's too hot! If it never gets too cold for me here in California I would still sport the same fashion but unfortunately I can only sport that kind of fashion during the peak of summer and sometime in spring or I'd kill myself of hypothermia!

Then our conversation went to baby stuff since my nephew will be celebrating his 1st birthday in July and we're all pretty excited about it. My mom mentioned that Matthew, my nephew, loved his My First Christmas booties and the plush blanket that my husband and I got him for Christmas last year. I did see him wearing his booties few days ago through the webcam and it made me laugh because he looked like Ronald McDonald! He was so cute and yeah that kid can even eat some ice cream! I must say seeing kids wants me to have my own someday! =) Kids really are a bundle of joy!

Anyway, that's my family and I miss them a lot!

My married life on the other hand is doing great! I have a gorgeous, wonderful and best husband in the whole wide world! I had a breakdown sometime this week and I will never forget how he so lovingly dealt with me. He held me in his arms like a baby, gave me the most encouraging words, did not judge me nor rejected me, stayed with me and reassured me that I am loved no matter what =)

All in all, this week was great! I had some stresses that I had to deal with but nothing's impossible knowing that your loved ones are supporting you every step of the way and that you are loved!

Have a great weekend everyone and show the ones you love just how much you love and care for them!!!

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