Saturday, March 27, 2010

Long and Busy Week...

I had been on ten thirty minute bike rides the last 5 days and more to come this week!

Pardon me for not being able to write for about a week now. I had been busy and exhausted more than I imagined it would be the whole week! One of the staff in the Montessori where I volunteer went on a vacation and I was asked if I can be there for 5 days for 2 weeks, last week and this coming week to cover and I said yes.

Honestly, I think I bit more than I can chew this time =( Lessons are always learned the hard way huh?!

It's fun being in the Montessori with the kids but I realized I haven't been able to clean our place since I leave almost the same time my husband leaves in the morning and get back over lunch, take care of my husband and run errands. I should be able to juggle all these but it's plain exhausting to be hurrying the whole day to meet the demands of my day. Then I find myself frustrated sometimes having realized that I fell short amidst trying very hard to manage my day.

Guess what? I am not even a mom yet and this scares me... It scares me that if I am not able to adapt before then, being a mom, I won't make a good mom and a good wife at the same time. On the up note however, I came to realize how my mom really worked hard to raise me, my sisters, my brother and take care of my dad all at the same time. Oh add this, she also took care of the crazy dynamics of her family on top of ours! I can't say enough but Thanks Mom! You did a GREAT JOB! I know mother's day is a month or so away but hey, we ought to appreciate our moms not only one day a year but every freaking day she lives for the love of us!

I remember talking to my husband about this realization few days ago when he got home from work and one of the many things I like and love about my husband is that he never forgets to reassure me when I start feeling scared or wary about things. I can really feel that we are in this journey together and I'll never have to walk alone ever again. =) He usually gets me and puts me in his lap, look me in the eyes and reassures me that everything's going to be alright. I can't remember any of my exes doing that and for that I am grateful to my husband that he makes me feel safe, appreciated, loved and important.

Anyway, going back to the Montessori, we averaged 10 kids a day this week and you can't imagine all the laughing, whining, crying, screaming, smiles, hugs, sneezes, time outs, running and giggles! I was probably the only teacher there who runs and plays around with the kids and boy that keeps me young and happy =)

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