Saturday, March 27, 2010

Long and Busy Week...

I had been on ten thirty minute bike rides the last 5 days and more to come this week!

Pardon me for not being able to write for about a week now. I had been busy and exhausted more than I imagined it would be the whole week! One of the staff in the Montessori where I volunteer went on a vacation and I was asked if I can be there for 5 days for 2 weeks, last week and this coming week to cover and I said yes.

Honestly, I think I bit more than I can chew this time =( Lessons are always learned the hard way huh?!

It's fun being in the Montessori with the kids but I realized I haven't been able to clean our place since I leave almost the same time my husband leaves in the morning and get back over lunch, take care of my husband and run errands. I should be able to juggle all these but it's plain exhausting to be hurrying the whole day to meet the demands of my day. Then I find myself frustrated sometimes having realized that I fell short amidst trying very hard to manage my day.

Guess what? I am not even a mom yet and this scares me... It scares me that if I am not able to adapt before then, being a mom, I won't make a good mom and a good wife at the same time. On the up note however, I came to realize how my mom really worked hard to raise me, my sisters, my brother and take care of my dad all at the same time. Oh add this, she also took care of the crazy dynamics of her family on top of ours! I can't say enough but Thanks Mom! You did a GREAT JOB! I know mother's day is a month or so away but hey, we ought to appreciate our moms not only one day a year but every freaking day she lives for the love of us!

I remember talking to my husband about this realization few days ago when he got home from work and one of the many things I like and love about my husband is that he never forgets to reassure me when I start feeling scared or wary about things. I can really feel that we are in this journey together and I'll never have to walk alone ever again. =) He usually gets me and puts me in his lap, look me in the eyes and reassures me that everything's going to be alright. I can't remember any of my exes doing that and for that I am grateful to my husband that he makes me feel safe, appreciated, loved and important.

Anyway, going back to the Montessori, we averaged 10 kids a day this week and you can't imagine all the laughing, whining, crying, screaming, smiles, hugs, sneezes, time outs, running and giggles! I was probably the only teacher there who runs and plays around with the kids and boy that keeps me young and happy =)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Learn Mandarin =)

I suddenly got interested to learn Mandarin and here's a free way to learn quite a bit =)

I love the fact that it has audio at the same time they have it written down for you so it's pretty easy to familiarize yourself with the intonations, pronounciations and spellings.

I look so Chinese more than Filipina but I sure do wish I could speak and understand Chinese like my mom can. My parents sent me to a Chinese school for preparatory school but I guess that's where the saying "use it or lose it" applied to me. It did not evolve in me and well my family didn't really speak Chinese except for my mom a little bit.

Wish me luck! =)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Montessori World

The owner of the Montessori where I volunteer emailed me a link to some very helpful and educational stuff about Montessori set up and as I was taking a shower awhile back I thought why don't we have Montessori for teenagers, adults and elderly?

Here is the link to that information regarding Montessori for those of you with kids attending such or thinking of sending their kids someday or for whatever purpose you might find it useful for =)

I believe we all take big steps in our lives at a certain age/point and learning that the Montessori set up is to help prepare a child for the next step or level of education I just thought maybe it might make sense to have such kind of set up for the different life stages we all undergo where big changes usually occur?

Teenage years are the most difficult years I can remember in my life. All my hormones raging, responsibilities are starting to build up, peer pressure, confusion and vulnerability is so high, parents don't make sense and too protective, bodily changes I hardly understood that time... stress level is just too high! This is like the make or break point in our lives where every little decision and step we make matters because that predicts or well pretty much tells us our future.

I remember my parents worrying about so many things when my brother hit teenage years. There were times they thought he might be taking drugs or having sex or joining fraternities and it's drove both my parents and my brother crazy for different reasons. My parents were scared he might not finish school, get somebody pregnant, etc. (same fear they had with all the four of us). My brother on the other hand thought they were too protective and overly assuming and at some point he thought of rebelling by thinking he should just do all that our parents think so it's worth the stress and sermon he's getting.

If there was something like a Montessori for teenagers where it is set up so that teenagers are aided as to how to deal with all those crazy changes in their lives occurring all at the same time, perhaps it will make a big difference. Remember that people, young and old alike, take stress, change and responsibilities differently just like medicines have different effects on people.

Think of a Mid-life Montessori for those people entering that age where mid-life crisis kicks in... I am more than half way to that stage in my life granting it's at 50 and I really wouldn't know until I get there. All I have now are tell tales from friends and family on how they start feeling old, worthless, sick and ugly resulting to unhappiness and depression.

I am not completely sure that anybody has done studies on exploring on the other levels of Montessori learning but realizing all this now it might actually be worth the try.

I came from a third world country and the format of education there is different from the format of education here in the United States and I'm pretty sure different everywhere else. One thing I appreciate from being here in America is it's like a big Montessori all by itself. People can learn whatever they want to learn because of the abundance of resources and it's too sad that some people don't even realize that =(

There was a point in my life few years ago when I told myself perhaps I would have been a better person, more educated, skilled and equipped if we had all these resources and help back home. I love doing arts and crafts and we don't even have a craft store like you guys have here! As a result I have been confused all these times because of several reasons: 1. I didn't have the money to pursue learning or specializing in one craft/art that I wanted 2. The availability of the specific craft/art that interested me and 3. I had too much responsibilities to find time to be better at one thing. Those 3 reasons that held me back from learning more no longer exist now that I got married though! A loving, supportive and caring husband changed all these for me. I am now in my own Montessori world and I am learning so much!

I hope I was able to stir your mind into something relevant and life changing!

Never cease your mind and self from learning. Make that your challenge everyday : LEARN!

Have a wonderful weekend! =)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hey Stranger!

I ran late this morning going to the Montessori but amazingly I got there just before 9 a.m. so I was still on time! =)

We had a new student and boy all he did was cry and point at the door. He reminded me of my first day is school many years ago. My parents enrolled me in a Chinese school close by our home and I remember my mom throwing candies through the windows! ahhahaha! My classmates were singing a Chinese song and mind you a part of that song is the only thing I remember up until now as memory of being in that school! Oh one more thing I remember was my seatmate (a guy from class) who put his finger inside a sharpener we bought at the bookstore over lunch that landed him in the clinic after his finger got stuck inside the sharpener and bled!

Constantly the new boy would burst into tears and cry out loud in the middle of our activities. It was so heartbreaking but at the same time disturbing for the other kids. Oh first days! They're the strangest days you could ever have! Anyhow, he was only attending for half day and I felt so happy to see that he was slowly getting the hang of it as his day in the Montessori neared its end.

A little before 11 a.m., we all headed at the backyard to play and everybody was just excited. That was the only place they could shout and scream to their hearts content and run around and be free all they like. Once again I felt so alive to be with them playing, giggling, smiling, chatting and plunging into a little kids fantasy.

At some point, my co-teacher and I learned that our new Chinese boy doesn't understand a single English word, just Mandarin. I thought to myself "that's terrible... that's probably the reason why he just went on a crying spree today because he doesn't understand a single word we're saying aside from the fact that everything and everybody is strange for him." Poor kid =(

On the up note, I am sharing this part of my day realizing how many strange things happen to us every single day. They may range from small to big things as well as minor to some serious ones but no matter what at the end of the day the only thing that matters is how we rose to the occasion and survived our days! =)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dried Bananas =)

I dried another batch of apples today and for a change I devoted one tray for bananas. I've never had a dehydrator before so our dehydrator is my new toy and I am loving it!

I used to buy dried bananas in vacuum sealed packs from Trader Joes and I love those. They sell it for less that $2 and they are freaking tasty so today that was my motivation, make something like those dried bananas I buy at Trader Joes =) Meany but goodie!

I sliced one banana in discs and laid them out in the tray. Another banana I sliced in half and smashed them using a fork over a chopping board. After, I transferred it carefully to the screen tray using my big metal scrapper/ chopper. The scientist in me felt so alive whenever I cook and do experiments in the kitchen! I then set up my dehydrator according to instructions and wait for hours.

Tick tack... tick tack... tick tack...

I had time to finish the 3D swan I was making, call the maintenance, make some eclairs, cook dinner, take a shower, eat dinner with my husband, watch TV and talk about how our days went. Finally, seven hours later apples are ready as well as some of the bananas. I was so excited that I got some pieces of apples and bananas fresh out of the dehydrator and munched on them with my husband. Loved them! The bananas were winners! They didn't look as pretty as the ones I buy at Trader Joes but they are so tasty!

My husband and I each grabbed a half of the smashed bananas and started munching. He sat in front of his computer to read while he enjoyed his banana while I loaded the dishwasher still munching on my share and I exclaimed "Boy, dried these bananas for 7 hours and ate them in less than 5 minutes!"

That's how good they were and healthy too!

This is how we learn the virtue of PATIENCE! =)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Forward!


I can't wait to see the flowers bloom (more and more of them!) , green hills, more bicycle rides with my husband and more sunshine! =) Oh probably go out for a picnic!

I went out with my husband today on a bicycle ride going to a kids birthday party in a park and my heart leaped with joy at the smell of grass in the air and warmth of the sun against my skin. I felt my sweat dripped down my back as I pedaled my bike up some inclines with great determination! Boy, my thighs were jittery as they can be! ahhahahha! But well think about getting fit and sexy for the summer and that will make an easy determination to go up inclines, work out and sweat it out!

I fervently believe that getting fit equals happiness and health. Summer and looking good in our bikinis are not enough reasons to being fit. We owe ourselves more than that! We owe ourselves health and happiness and the path to these two will constantly be a challenge for anyone however with much determination anything is possible!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I am my own PRINCESS =)

I went to see The Princess and the Frog with my husband today in one of the theaters that offers week/s to month/s old movies and what can I say? It was a heartwarming movie!

My husband and I intended to see that movie last Valentine's Day but the tickets were sold out. Many of the kids were taken by their parents for some Valentine date to see that movie and so we settled for Leap Year that time.

Anyhow, this movie turned out pretty good! It brought me back to those times (younger days) when my mom would read to me my princess stories and I must say I really love princess stories!

My husband (Tim) and I were discussing the movie on the way home and he told me that he wasn't really into the magic part of it because he doesn't want kids to get in that delusion that it's real. Another issue he had with it was the " I love her, I will marry her " (after a few hours to days of knowing each other) part of the movie. I then told him that when I was a little girl those parts weren't really the ones that surfaced to/for me. It was more of the I want to be pretty, I want to be a princess, wear a gown, live in a palace and have a prince charming someday part of it. More of the first two though.

I can't say that I lived a charmed life when I was younger but I was contented somehow. I didn't have the perfect family but I was grateful to have a family who loved and supported me up until now that I have been on my own roller coaster. The princess stories gave me that fantasy and hope that someday my life will be better and that my night and shinning armor will come rescue me.

Think of all the princess stories where they all have to go through some hardships and challenges before their lives get better then they meet their prince charming. Who's to say that's not real? To some extent my life was patterned to and maybe likened to my favorite princess stories.

It hasn't been an easy road for me because just like Cinderella, I had my complexities with my family. Just like Pocahontas, I had to face cultural differences. Just like Rapunzel, I had to wait patiently in my tower for someone to rescue me. Just like Mulan, I had to be my own strong, tough and determined self to be able to help others and survive. Just like Ariel, I had to sacrifice a part of me to better others and my family. Just like Belle, I saw the beauty in a beast and trusted... Just like Snow White and Sleeping beauty who were put to sleep/ spell and awaken by their prince charming, I too needed a Tim to awaken from the very bad sleep / spell I was put into by my ex-husband.

I may not have ended up wearing grand dresses and crowns nor live in a big, majestic palace but I sure am a modern day princess who found her prince charming and lived happily ever after.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Do men care?

Thank God it's FRIDAY! =)

I sure am happy that it's been another week of a wonderful marriage and I can never trade that for anything in this world! I haven't got any plans for the weekend but I sure want to spend some quality time with my husband and relax... perhaps ride our bicycles sometime.

It's almost unbelievable that this week is coming to an end and we'll officially "spring forward" over the weekend! How time flies! I can't wait to smell the flowers and see them bloom. Oh such colors and life and fragrance and sunshine and abundance!

California of course is nice all year long and they say it doesn't really get terribly cold here but I disagree and that scares me! It scares me because if winter here is cold enough for me how much more the really cold places where there's snow and hail and frost?

I remember my husband laughing at me some months ago because I was all wrapped up in layers of clothes under our blankets inside our apartment that has central heating system! He couldn't believe how cold I was! hahahaha! But what I really liked about being cold is that he cared enough to crank up the heater and hug me to keep me warm. Get this he was my boyfriend still that time! Sweet huh?

I am sharing this because just in case some guys or boyfriends or husbands happen to be reading this, girls/ women like their man to care and be sensitive enough to their needs. Of course be able to draw the line between needy and need! =)

Few nights ago, my husband and I went out to get some groceries and while driving home we happen to have talked about "caring/sensitivity/ taking care of each other." Women would often complain that their man or partners just don't care for many things they (women) feel are important in their relationships. A simple example would be men think that if they shower, shave and wear some clothes they have already shown that they care enough to clean themselves. They seldom or never, in most cases, would go an extra mile like how we women would put on make up, perhaps go to the parlor and pick out some sexy clothes to keep our man happy, interested and drooling over us!

My husband has his shares of being a man. There would be times when I'd find myself wondering how or why can he not care? (well, for whatever particular thing I was engaged in at that moment) I'd get myself in that loop and if I am not fast enough to snap out of it, it starts to eat me up and I'm frustrated!

It helps to experience it one time and talk about it with your husband/ partner. I am quite lucky that my husband is very patient with me when I break out in to one of my "moments" (this is when I'm not able to snap out of my loop). After we communicate our needs and frustrations then the solutions come.

This kind of frustration/s will happen over and over in a relationship and it can be exhausting to the point that it consumes you. The best remedy I've found so far is that every time you feel like you're getting to that point or loop as I call it, think back of that time it happened and review your lesson : "Men don't go the extra mile." When I start rewinding the last time I was in that loop, I often end up smiling or even laughing at how this pathetic difference between a man and woman can drive us equally crazy!

Mind you , men think we (women ) overly go an extra mile while we think they (men) never go an extra mile!

It's crazy enough that we have differences so don't make it harder on any one of you. Talk /communicate. Nothing beats a good, level-headed and loving conversations!

Happy Spring everyone!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Your order has been shipped."

I wasn't able to check my email until this afternoon and to my surprise I have this one email saying:

"Your order has shipped."

I wondered what order was that email talking about that shipped so I opened and read the email. Apparently I placed an order for a food dehydrator that I didn't even know about!

Last night I browsed at food dehydrators. Just curious at how much they cost because I just bought some sun dried tomatoes and they're really expensive so I thought I can consider making them and other dried stuff in the future. I read reviews and found good ones for the Nesco snack master. I then compared prices and found the best deal at Amazon.

Few days ago I ordered a waterpik and thought I'd try the Prime service since it's free for 30 days. I ordered it Friday afternoon and Monday at lunch waterpik was here! =) Anyway, back to last night, while I was browsing at the dehydrator (Nesco in particular) my page looked different. It had two buttons aside from the add to cart or checkout. One button said overnight shipping and the other one 2 day shipping. I clicked 2 day shipping not aware that that was actually an action of purchasing already! I didn't know until I opened my email this afternoon. Gees!

It was an unnecessary purchase and on top of that I got an overdraft in my bank since I was not ready for that purchase! Oh how I hate that! =(

What better way to learn your lesson huh??!

Next time, really be careful so you don't make unnecessary purchases like I did! You see, married life is not about splurging or spending all the money our husbands worked hard for. They sure want us (wives) to be happy but that doesn't include slowly bankrupting your relationship. I told my husband I'm very sorry for this unnecessary purchase and he was pretty much ok with it. I would have saved that money for something else but perhaps and I hope that it will save us money to be able to make our own dried fruits for trail mix, dried herbs and what not.

On the brighter side I'll be making dried fruits for snacks sometime soon! =)

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Love drives ME!

I went on a bike ride today to do my volunteer work in a local Montessori and boy it was a cold morning! I felt my nose condensing and I am not a bit confident to let go of that handle to reach for a kleenex in my pocket! There's no way I am getting to any accident today just because I chose to reach for a kleenex. hahahaah!

I spent about two hours at the Montessori and I did have lots of fun with the kids! I surely felt so alive being around those kids running and screaming here and there like there's no tomorrow. I planned to leave at 11:30 a.m. so I can beat my husband home for lunch but I went to play with the kids at the backyard and totally lost track of the time. I didn't leave until it was about noon and all that was running in my head was how to get home safe and fast!

I haven't been biking for very long and the trail offers lots of work out as it was designed for mountain bikers while I cruised with my cruiser bike. Often, mountain bikers would pass me by and I could feel that stare and wonder in them.. "what the heck is she doing here with that bike?" But I could care less especially when I am trying to get home to spend time with my husband , be able to hold, kiss and serve him =)

I went as fast as I could but I haven't been working out for about a month or so now and my cardio is not very good. I felt my thighs really tired, my heart throbbing and I had to slow down constantly then I think of my husband and I start peddling faster. All I thought of was getting home and seeing my husband! That was surely motivation enough for me because I did get home in less than 30 minutes!

I knew my husband was home already because I saw his car so I knocked at the door. The door swung open and there stood my gorgeous husband! I parked my bike, threw my things on our bed, stripped off my clothes (men, I was so hot from my bike ride that I can't stand one more minute in my layers of clothes!) and sat on my husbands lap. He cradled me like a baby and had me drink some water. When my husband held me, I knew it was worth the panting, sweat, peddling and hurrying... I was no longer tired but a very happy and lucky wife!

I then concluded...

Boy, I am so in love with my husband!

The longer we spend time together, the deeper that love grows! =)

One can never say how much or to what extent you can love somebody, you just know it! You, more than anything and anybody can feel it for yourself and when you do, bless your more!

I have loved before but nobody treated me like my husband does. He's the gentlest, most loving, caring, thoughtful, respectful and trustful soul I've ever met!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Fly seat, FLY!

I decided I will go on a bike ride today for 2 reasons:

1. Familiarize myself with my bicycle.
2. Map / figure out the bicycle trail.

I attempted to go this morning but as soon as I was getting my bike and myself out the door it started raining so I retreated back and did my origami instead.

Second attempt, after lunch. It was nice and sunny and I thought it was the perfect time to ride my bike but I had to do some errands first so I took care of that. Boy from chilly this morning to warm - hot this afternoon!

I rode my bike and got on the trail. What a nice bike trail we have here, I thought to myself. Mostly, I was very happy to know that I can safely ride my bike without getting honked at by the cars or needing to push the cross button and have that terrible time to get back in balance to cross the street riding my bike.

Understand this, I am 5'1 and my bike seat is quite high that I am not able to put my feet or foot on the ground while on the seat. This had been posting a challenge for me because it really scares the hell out of me! It just seems that I am not in control when I can't touch the ground =( My husband got me this bike and I like the aesthetics of it but for one thing, the seat is high!

My husband told me we can pretty much sell it and totally get another bike so I can be more comfortable but here goes the Filipina in me and I said "It's ok baby, I'll get used to it (I hope!)."

Anyway I went on the trail and had lots of fun biking around until I had to slow down because few meters away read "Trail closed." There's an outlet to an apartment complex's parking lot and I said "that's fine this is where I'll be turning to head back home". As soon as I got off the trail, I got myself in a jump I didn't expected because I didn't realize that that was a sidewalk. I basically jumped of a sidewalk on my bike and I did panic a little bit.

The next thing I know I was standing with my bike in between my legs, the seat flew (came off) and the reflector attached just below the seat broke =( I tried to get that piece of metal tube where the seat attaches and adjusts and there was no way it was coming out. I didn't have tools with me and oh it was terrible.

I reached in my backpack to see what I may use to get that piece of tube out so I can reattach my seat and boom a piece of tampon was the closest cylindrical and long thing I can grab to at least try to pull that tube out. Guess what? All the more it pushed the tube further in! That was it! I walked side by side with my bike on the way home!

Oh but that silly idea came to me. Perhaps I can ride my bike just standing on the pedal and not seating? Nah doesn't work because I have a cruiser bike and the brakes work by reverse peddling. But what worked was for me to sit on the post where the seat attaches to. It's ok for smooth parts of the trail but OMG it hurts over the bumpy parts of the trail! I did ride and walk alternately and sure did cut down the walking time. Constantly though when I thought nobody's looking I would reach back and feel my bum where that post rubs my pants to see if I tore my pants! ahhahahah!

I did get home in one piece and that's all that matters. Tim (my husband) fixed my bike after dinner and I gave him a big, tight hug and exclaimed "my hero!" =)

Pizza Sunday

I'm sorry I missed my journal yesterday but I sure did enjoy my Sunday with my husband =)

We had late lunch and that pizza came out better than I expected it to. It started with craving for pizza then all of a sudden there was like a bubble of memory that popped in my brain somewhere! I thought I'd try to copy that pizza I ate with my family one time when I was still back home (Philippines) some years ago. It was sort of like a barbeque flavored pizza with chicken and the rest I can't even remember! hahahaha!

This is how my pizza came out and so far it was very tasty. My husband kept coming back for more! I did too!

Let me share with you the recipe I used for the pizza crust =)

1 packet of active dry yeast
1/2 cup warm water (about 120 degrees)
1 tsp sugar
1 cup flour + 1/4 (for kneading and dusting)
pinch of salt
1 tbsp olive oil

Activate the yeast by placing it in a mixing bowl large enough to hold all your ingredients. Add sugar and water and whisk or stir with a fork. Let stand for about 5 minutes.

The mixture will be nice and frothy. If not, restart. That means your yeast is dead, old or not active anymore. Water shouldn't be too hot either because it will kill your yeast. Just think of burning yourself with very hot water. Sugar on the other hand serves as food for your yeast to activate and bloom =)

Add the remaining ingredients EXCEPT your spare 1/4 cup flour and cornmeal. That's for later when you start kneading your pizza dough or if the mixture is too sticky to handle.

Knead your dough for about 5-7 minutes. Your dough will be very smooth and your muscles all worked up. Spray the sides and bottom of your bowl with cooking spray and place dough back and cover with a damp towel or cling wrap. Let the dough rise until it's double in size.

Dust your work surface with the combination of flour and cornmeal. Cornmeal helps give a crispy finish to your pizza crust.

Punch your dough down the surface and flatten with rolling pin. Shape it however you want.


Bake at 450 degrees for about 15-20 minutes for not so thin but not so thick crust or until the edges are golden brown.

Bon Appetite!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Saturday Magic!

I love the weekends!

This is like a long awaited time for me to be able to spend time with my husband to hold him, kiss him, sniff him, caress him, hug him, stare at him, adore him, serve him and make him happy all I like! The price? I am the happiest, luckiest wife who ever lived!

It's Saturday morning. My husband spooned me while I lay asleep next to him. I felt his gentle kisses behind my neck and the "oh my GOODness" embrace and it felt really great! I felt loved, special, warm and adored. What a great way to jump start my day! Then I felt the slow rubs and thrusts behind me and I thought to myself "humm.... now what better way to start your day than that?!" I got excited and grabbed my husband's left arm and had him touch me. My excitement grew and before I knew we were up for a really really great start for a Saturday morning =)

I tried opening my eyes in the process but for some reason (I don't know what or why) I had a hard time waking up this morning. Perhaps it's just one of those lazy days or well who wants to get out of bed with what just happened anyway?! hahahhahaah! Then breakfast was up for grabs. My husband asked me what I wanted for breakfast. Pancakes? Waffles? Then that got me up and told him "honey we don't have eggs. I'm sorry I forgot to get some yesterday..." Oh how I felt so irresponsible for being home the whole day, went out for a little while and still forgot to grab some eggs! =( My husband ( in front of his computer) turned, looked at me and said "there's two of us baby. I failed to stop by the grocery store to get some eggs too."

My husband has never blamed me for anything that I can recall. He always tell me that there's always two of us and there's no need to point fingers because we are equally responsible for things. I so love that my husband treats me very well. I really appreciate that he's very mellow and rational about things. We both don't like arguing which brings us to loving communication when we have issues to handle. In contrast to my first husband, he is very controlling and loves to argue! You could never win with a narcissist! Get it, this whole democracy I have and freedom with my second husband is all so new to me!

Meanwhile, I got busy preparing breakfast while my husband made love with his computer. I went to my husband to deliver breakfast and oh he started playing Magic (the gathering) already. For those who asks what the heck is Magic the Gathering? you're not alone. I asked myself that same question the about a year or so ago (we weren't married yet). I define it as the geek's version of poker! It's a card game (paper and online version, take your pick) with enchantments, casting spells, manna and some weird creatures. Curious enough? Click on this link and it will take you to discover the Planeswalkers.

Believe it or not I had my husband teach me how to play magic last weekend because I was to that level where I want to know what makes him like this game so much. As partners we owe each other to support and discover what makes us tick (happy or sad).

I know many couples don't appreciate each other or are not very verbal as to letting each other know how they feel toward the other and how much they appreciate each other but I have learned that this is a very very important tool to soothing your partner and making the other perk up by caressing his/her ego =)

Not all weekends are the same for me and my husband. We happen to be lucky enough not to live on a very structured, strictly planned or just tight lifestyle. Don't get me wrong he does work on the weekdays and I do my volunteer work on the other hand but weekends are meant for fun, laughter, relaxation, togetherness and passion (-ate lovemaking)!

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Welcome to the era of Blogs!

Many years ago, we've known information exchange via telephone, newspaper, television, books and print ads until the dawn of the computer age where the world wide web conquered the world!

Anyway, here we go with blogs - the new world of expression, information dissemination, learning and art among others. Honestly, I have never known myself to be a good writer but somewhere in my dreams I am a very prolific and world renowned writer, aren't we all??!

I have decided just about an hour or two ago that I will start blogging on my married life for two reasons:
1. I have had a terrible first marriage =(
2. I have an awesome 2nd marriage!

I believe in my heart that those two reasons are very very strong motivations for me to get myself out here in the blogging world to be able to share my experiences or rather adventures on being a wife, a partner, a friend, a lover, a fan and a family. My hopes are that I will be able to write enough to entertain you, share views with you, learn in the process, better myself and you and keep you coming back for more.

Have a wonderful day!