Monday, July 19, 2010


I am wondering why I can't post any more pictures here on my blog? =( The box that I used to click to attach pictures is just gone=(

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Poison Ivy? =(

I developed rashes yesterday on my feet that were quite itchy =( I didn't panic because they looked like something I've had before but today it has spread in some other parts of my body and bothered me quite a bit. My husband thinks it might have something to do with poison ivy but I am not sure since we don't have poison ivy in the Philippines. He cautioned me not to scratch the itch as that will cause it to spread even more and before I know it I might be covered in bumps =(

I spent some time thinking of how I may have had come in contact with a poison ivy yesterday since we didn't really go out aside from going to the pool for awhile. I did go out last Friday to pick up some school supplies to use for my review but I had been home for most part of the week...

Oh snap I hate it when parts of your body itches. Add the fact that it had been hot this week and if it continues to be hot I am definitely going to suffer the itch more. My poor husband would have to deal with me I suppose...

I can only hope that tomorrow when I wake up I am not covered in bumps! I guess this is the perfect time to ask Google what to do! Thanks to technology, everything is basically within reach even poison ivy! =S

Friday, July 16, 2010

Time You Thief!

It's been another week and it caught me by surprise!

It seemed like it just snuck up on me like a thief in the night. That said I remember that cliche that says something like "Time you thief..." and oh add a biblical phrase that goes like " will come like a thief in the night.."

My week had been very interesting with my birthday celebration, my husband's grandpa in the hospital, my grandma not doing good, studying for my licensing exam, running errands, making crafts, cooking and cleaning =) All of these things mentioned, I told my husband awhile ago that I haven't done much this week. I feel that there's so much work to be done in general and often times I ask myself "where did all the time go?"

I think I will go crazy if I try to account for every minute of my life that I have either used wisely, lost and/or wasted away. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who share in this sentiment. There had been times when I thought I had a surplus of time only to find out that I didn't get to finish a task and only if I had 5 more minutes or so I would have finished but oh it's just too late. Regret follows and frustration comes hand in hand unfortunately.

I remember my folks used to tell me to always use my time and resources wisely because they are valuable and unlike a music record that I can rewind, I can't rewind/turn back time and resources wasted. However here is where the NOW matters because you realize that if you don't act now then not only did you waste time before now but as well as your now which adds up to more time wasted later on.

The point is, I have to make things count and account for my time that way I can feel that I am able to achieve things for myself and make myself happier.

I am not very sure why I ended up writing about time but I guess it's all because I feel pressured somehow that I haven't studied as much as I could have this week. One thing for sure, I can change my habits and manage my time better in the future that way I don't look back and say to myself that I wasted more time for nothing.

If I have the power to turn back time I will go back to when I was in college and harness my full potential as a student, friend, sister to my siblings and daughter to my parents.

If I have the power to fast forward time, I would put it to a first Christmas with my and my husband's family with our kids =)

If I have the power to freeze time, it would be at a time when both my husband's and my family are at their prime successes.

I guess this is a good point to keep in mind : Time is precious, make it count.

It's weekend and it's time to relax and unwind a little bit with my husband =) That doesn't mean wasting time because spending time with your husband and loved ones is very important and making every time spent with them count.

I truly miss my family back home and I regret that when I was back home I didn't make it all count so much because I thought I had time. Such a hard and painful way to learn a valuable lesson in life but those are the ones that count the most! =)

Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh Beads!

My birthday is not quite over yet!

I got my package today from my family in the Philippines and the beads I used to craft these pieces came from that box! =)

I was so excited when my husband and I opened the box over lunch. I was anxious to know what's inside that's so heavy that caused my parents to pay over a $100 to ship it here to the U.S. from the Philippines.

I got my new bamboo flute from my sister, song books, new pair of flip flops, shirts, capri pants, some delicacies from back home, tons of beading supplies, headbands, sewing machine needles, some medicine and a lot of little trinklets =) My husband got a new belt, wallet and nice silver pen (thank God, he's got a nicer pen for his pocket! Hunny, if you ever find this post I don't like you carrying around that complimentary pen in your pocket because you deserve better than that! )

Lots of thanks to my family for the treats and gifts =)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Amazing Day!

My day started with a traditional Filipino breakfast prepared by my husband (who's white!). He made longsilog (Longanisa + Egg + Sinangag or Garlic Fried Rice) for breakfast and it was very tasty. It was his first time to make such a meal but I was surprised how good it all turned out. I am very flattered that my husband treats me like a princess at the same time I just marveled at how good he inculturates himself to my culture.

I got to chat with my mom for a little while and got some scoops from back home. I am very happy to know that they are all well and my sister and brother both started on their new jobs this week =) I am crossing my fingers that they will both be successful and that my parents will feel more comfortable in time. Like I always say, there is no greater joy than knowing that all your loved ones are safe and sound wherever they are.

Anyway, I shared a "first" experience with my husband when I prepared kare-kare for the first time ever in my life for lunch today. I have never prepared this dish but thanks to Google, everything is within reach! I Googled the recipe for kare-kare and it turned out so good. I didn't strictly follow the measurements, kinda eyeballed some of the ingredients, but it still tasted like the kare-kare I've known from back home. Below is the link for the recipe I used for those who are daring enough to give it a try =)

After all our "firsts" for today, my husband and I headed out to see Sorcerer's Apprentice. It was pretty good =) Amazingly it turned out to be a love story! My husband found it to be pretty good and that matters more than what I think because he's harder to please in that department. He is very smart and easily notices loop holes in a movie's plot, characters, etc. I on the other hand just seat there and watch to entertain myself. I am easily blown away with the "oh that's a pretty place," or "oh my they can fly!" or "boy, these characters are indestructible!" or simply "awww love!" stuff in movies.

I am not really very anal with movies in short. I don't even remember the whole movie after awhile or the actors and actresses that were in certain movies! I am pretty bad at those because I honestly just didn't grow up watching a lot of TV and movies. I guess my parents successfully channeled my interests into arts and crafts, cleaning, cooking, studying and just about anything that is productive.

Some find it weird that I am not all excited with watching TV or movies but that's just me. I am grateful that that's not all I want to do everyday because I feel more productive the way I am . I'm not saying that watching TV or movies is bad but with the quality of shows we have in our time today, you spend more time seeing bad ones than good ones. It's a sad, sad, sad reality but we put this to ourselves... we've supported bad shows that led to the birth of more bad shows =( Oh I just remembered an advertisement in the theater awhile back for a kiddie version of something like kindle where kids can practice reading in different levels of difficulty and what not. I wasn't able to help myself but whispered to my husband "OMG look at the toys nowadays... I wonder what kind of toys will be out by the time we have a kid?!"

It's amazing how technology has evolved through time but what's even more amazing is how we have let it evolved not only to good and productive but bad and destructive as well.

I guess I've really turned on a chapter of my life in that I view some things more differently now. I am more sentimental and I put more value on things around me, my experiences and the people I encounter and love.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Turning the Pages of My Life =)

It's my birthday today here in the U.S. and I turn 28!

Turning the pages of my life to the next chapter is very exciting knowing that my husband is with me today and hopefully for the years to come.

I am definitely the happiest wife ever! My husband made bread for me for breakfast, fillet mignon for lunch and bowl of fruits and my birthday cake for dinner! =)

I wish I was able to share this day with the rest of my family but I guess having something to look forward to is the biggest motivation one could ever have to continue to hope, persevere and achieve in life. The journey hasn't been easy for me the past couple of years but I turn to another chapter of my life with joy, love, pride and dignity because I have stood strong and survived my life's challenges.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Under the Weather...

My husband and I are both under the weather right now..

I pity my husband for most part because he really struggled to go to work this week while I felt so helpless watching him everyday =(

I thought to myself I don't mind getting sick since I just stay home all the time but my husband is a different story because he has to go to work and on top of that deal with me. If only I had a magic wand I would have taken away that cold and cough away from him!

Anyhow, my mom gave me a list of things to do, medicine to take and food to prepare to help my husband get better. It brought back a lot of memories from when I would get sick when I was still back home in the Philippines.

I remember my mom would lovingly prepare either a huge pot of chicken noodle soup or arroz caldo (chicken and ginger in a porridge) to feed me and the rest of the family. She also makes this special concoction of tea, calamansi (citrus fruit similar to lime or lemon) and honey or a ginger brew with a little sugar and have me drink that to soothe my sore throat or simply give a calming effect. She would rub my chest, back and neck with Vick's Vapour Rub and wrap me in a blanket and before I know it I have fallen asleep. I'd wake up feeling better and ready for another round of my chicken soup or arroz caldo and my mom's concoctions =)

My mom's love is the best drug I know of! Nothing compares to a mom who selflessly, lovingly and patiently nurses you back to health, a mother's healing touch!

I made a big pot of chicken noodle soup today and some ginger brew for my husband and me =) I purchased Vicks Vapour Rub as well and rubbed it on my husband before we go to bed at night and whenever I wake up in the middle of my sleep. If anything, I would do anything to make my husband feel better! =)

I enjoyed my day today spending it with my husband. I am very truly lucky to have a husband who's very appreciative of what I do for him and very giving of himself.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Expedition for Shorts

Whoever thought that getting a pair of shorts can be so difficult?!

My home work from my husband this week is to get myself three pairs of shorts to replace my old ones. I thought to myself that's a piece of cake and who doesn't like shopping anyway?

I was completely wrong, shopping is hard! I spent sometime yesterday looking for a pair of shorts and I was just blown away with the prices of things nowadays as well as how hard it was to look for a pair of shorts that fits me just right. I guess the combination of those two made it even more difficult. To add a third thing I was looking for is a pair of shorts that doesn't look sloppy on me. I figured if I am going to pay for a pair of shorts for this price it better be something I can comfortable and proud to wear. I got one pair yesterday! Weeee!

Today, I went out to search for two more pairs and the struggle I had was looking for my size and the style I can tolerate wearing. I didn't want to buy a pair of the "undone" style because I am a married woman and not a teenager! My mom kept appearing in my imagination like what would she say about this pair of shorts on me! ahhahaha! My mom always told us, the girls in the family, that we should present ourselves well when we are out and about because more often than not people judge you by the way you look and unfortunately there is a long lasting effect to first impressions. I know my mom meant well all the time so when she's not happy with what we are wearing she sends us back in the house to change =) Oh I miss my mom!

I was so tired by the time I got back home and my husband beat me home which made me feel so bad! I always feel like I am a bad wife to not be home when my husbands gets home. Why? I want to be there and take care of my husband's needs and wants. I miss him when we're not together and I always just can't wait to see him and hold him! I went home with good news for him though, I finished my home work today! I beat my deadline (tomorrow!). Hhahaah!

What an exhausting expedition for shorts!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Wonderful Family =)

This is the recent picture of my family with my nephew minus me and my brother.

How I miss everybody!!!

My nephew and my mom are wearing the hats I made not so long ago from fleece and some other scrap fabrics. It's funny how this picture seemed like it was taken on a photo booth but this was actually taken at my parents place using a webcam. Everybody just seemed so happy and nothing beats the feeling of knowing that the ones your love are happy and safe back home =)

I pulled up the last family picture taken with me and my brother four years ago when I graduated college and it's amazing how we all looked the same, almost ageless, only that we have plus family members now. Somehow looking at the pictures made me realize how time really flies and how much the role reversal has taken place over the years within my family.

I remember my dad clipping our nails every weekend when I was still a little girl. He'd have us put up our hands on the table as if a military inspection! He used to shine our school shoes every week as well and boy my shoes were always spotless. My mom on the other hand did all our laundry and so lovingly ironed our uniforms, prepared our meals, helped us with our home works and cared for us when we'd fall sick.

The role reversal kicked in sometime around when I was 7 years old when my parents started teaching us to be independent and self-sufficient by helping them with chores and what not. I didn't realize as a kid that my role grew day by day. Somehow it was like play to me and my elder sister. This is where the role play began =)

We enjoyed folding clothes by pretending we were in a department store. One played as the shopper and the other played as the cashier. We always saw the cashier fold the clothes before putting them in a bag and so folding was fun that way.

I remember much later on when there were four of us already, there would be times my mom had to run errands like pay bills and get groceries so she'd have to leave us. She locks the door and as soon as our mom's gone, we all get our tents up using our blankets, flat sheets, clothes pins and hangers. My brother had some radio controlled cars and he pretended that he's a food delivery guy. He assembled snacks in little plates, tied the plate snug up his radio controlled car and zooms it to my sister's tent. Somehow when our mom rings the door bell in a heartbeat we're able to take everything down and hide everything out of our mom's plain sight if not totally put everything away! This is so funny now that I am remembering all these! =)

Growing up had been very challenging and fun. I didn't come from a rich family but I am myself now because of how my parents raised me for most part, some I can attribute to the environment around me while I was growing up and some I think is just genetic. I understand that we are all unique in our own little and big ways but we should never let that uniqueness be a hindrance for us to achieve and better ourselves.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July Experiments =)

I had a wonderful 4th of July this year! It was like no other 4th of July that I've had the last 3 years. This time around it was full of love, food, cuddles and giggles=)

My husband and I did a Barbeque and I decided I'd make the hotdog buns from scratch this time. The picture shows how my hot dog buns turned out.

I love making bread! Such a work of art, easy to make and oh fills your home with such homey feelings! ** Bread recipe below =) **

The top picture is me piping meringue cookies. My husband and I experimented on making calorie free cookies utilizing meringue cookie recipe. We figured that if we can use sugar substitute to make the meringue cookies and flavor it with some vanilla or liquor successfully we'd happily enjoy cookies without the guilt of putting in bazillion unnecessary calories in our bodies!

Anyhow, our experiment was not very successful. We did yield meringue cookies but they were very airy and they disintegrate in your mouth like right that moment you pop them in your mouth! However it was worth the try. It was an exciting yet not very traditional activity for 4th of July.

At some point my husband asked me if I want us to start a tradition for 4th of July and if so what would it be? I blurted out make meringue cookies?! Boy I think of it now and I am not sure that that's the most sensible answer or the most exciting thing to do for us every year or for when we have kids but oh well I was thinking of room for improvement for our airy meringue cookies this year! I just hope that this tradition I picked to do for fourth of July doesn't fire back on me later on. hahaahaha! Or we can change it anytime =) I love that my husband and I can work on things together and put our heads together to make things better.

Hot Dog Bun Recipe:

1/2 C warm water (about 110 C)
2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast
1 tsp sugar
1 egg
2 tbsp butter, melted
2-3 cups Bread Flour
dash of salt

Preheat oven at 400 C.

Combine the first 3 ingredients, stir with fork and let stand for 5 minutes. The mixture will be frothy and bubbly. This is called proofing your yeast. If it's not frothy or bubbly do it again as the yeast was not activated either because it's dead or water temperature was not right. Add the egg and butter and dash of salt. Work in a cup of flour using a fork. Add 1/2 of flour at a time after the first cup has been added. The dough will start to form. Use your hands and knead the dough for about 5-10 minutes until the dough is nice and smooth. Divide into 4 and roll into logs. Pinch the ends and tuck them underneath. Imagine how a hot dog bun looks like. You can also make burger buns by shaping them into circles and flattening them a little bit. Lay them in a baking non-stick baking sheet and cover with plastic wrap or damp towel for about 3o minutes to let it rise. Bake at 400 C for about 10 minutes then take it out and brush with egg wash to make it glossy and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Put back in the oven and bake until the tops are golden brown about 10-15 minutes more.

Egg wash: 1 egg yolk + 1 tbsp water mixed together.

Enjoy! =)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Royalty Breakfast =)

I woke up late this morning and found my husband missing beside me.

I walked out our bedroom with Puti (my white teddy bear that my husband gave me when we were still dating) in my arms and found my husband in front of his computer. I took the liberty to seat on his lap and have him cuddle me like a baby. I hanged around there for awhile while I wasn't totally awake yet. I wasn't aware of the time or day but I know I felt good just right there with my husband when he broke the question "do you want me to make you breakfast dear? I figure you must be hungry since you got up late." I popped my eyes open and gave a big yes! I guess I was hungry!

My husband made me french toast with grilled bananas and caramel syrup topped with fresh whip cream! A royalty breakfast I call it! =) He made everything from scratch and it was really very tasty! Add the effort and love he put into making this wonderful breakfast for me oh it was just heavenly!

I just can't ask for anything more!

I was treated like a princess from morning and the rest of the day and days before today and tomorrow is undoubtedly another royalty day =)

I feel very lucky to have a husband who makes me feel very special. I can't help but brag about it because I know that this doesn't happen to every couple on a daily basis nor does it happen for free. I hate to say this but it seems like we all come with price tags in one way or another. We are all definitely flawed in one way or another but somebody's got to give way sometimes while the other receives and vice versa.

I am sharing this amazing experience I have with my husband right now because this is certainly the opposite experience I had with my ex husband. To those who just discovered my blog, I am on my second marriage now and I am very happy and contented. I had an ex husband who was a narcissist. I didn't even realize that he came with that price tag until after our divorce and I was married to my second husband. I was that naive and innocent as always! I realized I have to mention this to let you know that I have had the best and worst and I am talking from a stand point of both.

My husband has a saying that goes like "Happy Wife, Happy Life." It's very simple but the more I think about it, the more I believe in it. The wife has this big responsibility of holding the family intact and together but that doesn't discount the fact that the husband plays a very essential role in making the effort to help his wife fulfill that responsibility. I think that the husband being supportive, honest, caring, considerate and loving to his wife makes his wife happy enough to take on the responsibilities in their behalf and fulfill them. It sounds very plain and simple but I am not sure that this is very clear to couples.

Breakfast is not a very exciting meal for me but my husband cracked a way to make it exciting =) He doesn't prepare breakfast for me everyday but it's that surprise and uncertainty of when is he going to do it and how that does all the tricks! I am often the one thinking of how to surprise him but men, when he does it it gives me shivers!!!

Husbands, this is a sure way to make your wives happy, prepare a meal for your wife once in a awhile. It doesn't have to be gourmet, just simple and straight from the heart. Another is grab some flowers on the way home or take home a piece of pastry from a luncheon meeting or just any little thing to let your wife know you were thinking about her even at work. Same goes for wives, grab a bunch of flowers for your husband, clean up your place, light some candles, get your lingerie on and surprise your husband after his long boring day at work!

If couples untiringly keep the fire in their relationships, there is a good chance that you are going to stay together for a very very long time.

I hope I made sense. I am just so in love with my husband that I can't help but talk about it!

Friday, July 2, 2010

My Not So Ordinary Day

I had one of my worst, slowest, restless and sleepy day today! =C

It was 2nd day to my monthly cycle and it was just terrible. It seemed like I woke up at the wrong side of the bed except that there still laid my gorgeous husband beside me with his angelic face.

Our day began with my husband's phone alarming and the next thing I knew it's time to exercise. We did our exercise aided by Jillian Michael's 30-day shred program. It's funny how I got my husband to start doing this with me! =) I am very proud of him because he didn't just think I was some crazy wife forcing him to do girly stuff. By all means I don't see this as a girly exercise just because three girls were the ones doing the exercise in the videos. This is honestly my favorite video exercise because it's not too long, you have the option to progress when you're ready, it's intensive and it is holistic where it includes cardio, weight and ab training all rolled into one! I want my husband and I to be together for a very very long time so our health and wellness is on top of my/our list.

Bagel + eggs = breakfast

That happens to be my husband's staple breakfast. He's not a very picky guy but I guess he is at times when opportunity calls for it! After a quick breakfast and internet browsing, there's the quick shower and dress up and he's off to work.

It might sound ridiculous but I miss my husband when he leaves for work. I then keep myself busy for couple of hours then he's back for lunch. My not so ordinary day today began when he left for work.

I felt so weird this morning like light headed, very sleepy and restless due to my period. Oh I hate being a girl because of my monthly pains and visits. I haven't felt this way in awhile but boy this day was a reminder of my worst days in the past where I go as far as passing out. I spent the whole morning sleeping until my husband gave me a kiss and I hurriedly got up realizing that I overslept and haven't prepared lunch for him. Oh I was so embarrassed that my husband found me in bed =( It's just that this is not me being lazy and sleeping for most parts of the day. My husband had lunch and went back to work again.

Anyhow I was craving for french fries but I haven't gone out to get some out of my fear that I might not make back home since I'm not feeling 100% well. I sat in our living room and browsed in the internet, took pictures of the pouches I made yesterday and to my surprise my husband was home around 2-3 pm with french fries, McFish sandwich and chocolate hot fudge for me! I had this big question mark in my face!!! I started wondering what he might have left behind that was too important for him to come home to get it?! As it turned out they were sent home early from work because of the holiday =)

I felt warm fuzzies for my husband coming home with what I was craving for! He had me on his lap while I devour my french fries. He knew I wasn't feeling well from when he found me in bed at lunch time. I felt so happy that I get to keep him and hold him earlier today and nothing beats that for soothing a bad, restless and painful day! I can't explain how ecstatic and comforted I felt at the sight of my husband. It sure does make a difference to just have him around and be able to cuddle with him any time of the day or just stare at his back while he's busy with his computer or be able to say I love you back and forth =)

I love the fact that my husband and I are sensitive to each others needs and are able to verbalize those needs when we feel that we need to break the man-woman barrier / differences. I love the way we try to surprise each other not with fancy things but with efforts of knowing what the other wants or likes or craves at the moment. I love that we openly talk about anything under the sun without the fear of rejection or hatred or being judged. I love that he takes good care of me the best way he knows how and that he makes me feel important and loved. I love that we make each other smile in million ways. I love that we can giggle and cry together and not leaving the other one out. I love that we live a simple life and yet feel that we are the richest couple with our bazillion love for each other! =)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cell Phone Case Project =)

This is a cell phone case/ pouch that I crafted today after I got distracted from my review =) It's funny how it turned out but one thing's for sure : My cell phone won't get any more dings in it if I keep it inside this cutie!

I made the pouch from a scrap felt from my baby shoes project and decorated with supposedly a frog applique that I sewed by hand using blanket stitch.

There's a lot of beautiful things to be made out of scrap materials and trash so think about it before you trash things! =)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe =)

2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast
1 C warm water (about 110 degrees)
1 tsp sugar
3 cups flour
1 Tbsp olive oil
dash of salt
herbs and spices (optional like pepper flakes, parsley, powdered garlic, etc.)

Combine the first 3 ingredients and let stand for 5 minutes. It will be frothy and bubbly. If it doesn't look like that repeat. That means yeast is not activated (water not warm enough or yeast dead) or yeast is dead ( water too hot or just dead when you bought it). After the 5 minutes add everything else. Knead for 5 minutes or until it's nice and smooth and add flour if it's too sticky little by little.

Spray the bowl with oil, put the dough in and cover with plastic wrap or damp towel. Let stand for 1 hour then it's ready for action!

Roll out dough on floured surface. TRICK: MIX FLOUR AND CORNMEAL together and use that to flour surface to make the crust crunchy. Put desired toppings and bake at 450 degrees for 15- 20 minutes depending on size and thickness of dough.

Bon Appetite! =)

Monday, June 28, 2010

ATrip to the Aquarium of the Pacific

My husband took me to the Aquarium of the Pacific located at Long Beach, California two weekends ago. It was not a big place for big people but it was surely packed with tons of smiles and giggles from little kids with their parents =)

If you love being around children and if you have kids yourself, this is a perfect place to go to enjoy the underwater scenery as well as the coastline after. There are tons of restaurants around to enjoy for munchies later on and day cruises to hop on to complete the trip!

I realized I must have been really getting old because I found the place really small. I remember taking my mom few years ago to Monterey Bay Aquarium and this one is very much like it. She loved it but I guess it was more of our time together more than anything else that we both enjoyed. I love that this reminded me of some good, old memories and a making of a new one with my husband. I love kids too so aside from watching the aquariums and animals, the parents with their kids occupied me by a lot! At some point I started imagining myself and my husband with kids and that just made me smile so much! I guess at that point I'll better understand those poor parents running around worried where their kids have gone!

"Enjoy life while you're young and free." That's what my parents tell me all the time. Now they tell me to enjoy my time with my husband while we don't have kids yet as we don't have too much responsibilities yet. I sure am enjoying every minute I spend with my husband. We may have differences but we have similarities too. I guess the beauty of being different is that we are able to bring in something new to/for each other everyday while our similarities allows us to share on that similarity =)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Project Pinata

Welcome to my first Pinata Project EVER! =)

This is a pinata I made for a seven year old girl who attends after school classes at the Montessori where I volunteer. I've never made one before but I remember making paper mache for my home economics class back in high school.

I had to research the net about pinata since I didn't grow up seeing them around back in the Philippines. It was certainly nice to learn something new =) As I was reading along my research, I realized that we have something like the pinata too however we don't use paper mache as our base rather we use clay pots. Everything else is the same in terms of it's usage and that treats are placed inside as well as it's broken by hitting it with a pole / bat. This certainly drives the kids crazy and for some it's very traditional.

I often think that different countries have different cultures and traditions but somehow it's comforting to know that there are similarities too. On this note, I just remembered telling my mom sometime ago that I may be in America but there is corruption and violence too, there are cockroaches and rats too, there are beggars and homeless people too.

Anyhow, I don't want to delineate from my pinata project =)

This was made by applying layers of newspaper and paste on an inflated balloon and letting each layer dry then adding more layers. I have three layers in this pinata that I made. Instead of using white glue, I cooked what we call paste in the Philippines. What it is is basically cornstarch and water cooked over fire until you reach that spreading consistency. It's a cheaper way to go and safer for kids in case they put their hands in their mouths by accident and what not. Once the three layers are all dry, get a needle and poke the balloon to deflate. There will be a cavity where you can put your treats. I primed my pinata black just so the newspaper doesn't show up and then I decorated by shearing strips of tissue paper all over.

I rode my bicycle with my pinata going to the Montessori and you can just imagine how people were looking at me! I sure did have so much fun learning what pinata is about, how to make it and how much joy it brings to children. The kids smiles and giggles are definitely the priceless part of the whole experience! =)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Half a year later...

Six months to my married life, I am a happy, contented, grateful, happy, pampered, loved and appreciated wife!

I had quite an interesting day today from waking up happy to getting mixed up from lunch till dinner!

I was so happy to wake up beside my gorgeous husband this morning. It was like an epiphany of dawn breaking, a breath of fresh air, a love of a lifetime =) My heart was content and peaceful at the same time excited to share experiences with my husband, whatever the rest of our marriage brings us. Just like any other day, he had to go to work and I had to work on things.

Anyhow my day proceeded to some interesting twists with my volunteer work at the Montessori. We had a lunch meeting at an Indian restaurant and I must say there were flavors that reminded me of home (Philippines) while there were some other food that was just way over my palette for a first timer which made me realize that I haven't really been to an Indian restaurant before. I loved the naan bread and some green stuff (my colleagues said it was processed spinach).

My husband dropped me off at the lunch place and on the way to the Montessori I had to ride with one of the teachers. I can't believe that the three other teachers and our boss actually drove in four different cars when they all came from the same place and going back to the same place too. Anyway, I got torn with whom I was going to ride with but I sure did go with one of them. I got to know one of our new teachers better and that made my afternoon even more interesting. I guess I like hearing stories and experiences of other people because it makes me understand and appreciate a person better rather than just judging the person by how he/she looks.

We got back in the Montessori and I finally got to see the kids again and you can just imagine how they get excited and all stirred up when they see somebody they don't get to see everyday. I did a flower craft with them which was not very exciting I thought. I wish I had done something better but that's why there's always a next time! =)

The dinner part was exciting. My husband picked me up from the Montessori and he finally got to look around as the owner toured him and gave him a little background of what we do for the kids. We got to try some Indian tea and delicacies and they were pretty good.

Then off we went to celebrate our 6th Monthsary and went to a Persian restaurant and I must say that was interesting! I've never been to one so the menu just didn't make sense to me. My husband and I ordered anyway and we came to a conclusion that we probably ordered the wrong food however sharing the experience together was great. It was certainly something new for both of us and it was funny how we both had big question marks on our faces as to how we were supposed to eat the food or if they were supposed to be the way there were served.

My husband and I watch a lot of cooking shows and we love to cook at home and that seemed to have spoiled our palettes to the point that we have developed appreciation to food and eating but at the same time have become quite critical with what we eat. We both share the trait of "if we have to eat something bad, it might as well be something tasty."

I was not so crazy with the Indian food I had over lunch but I sure liked that better than the Persian food we had for dinner. However I told my husband that perhaps we have to solicit advice on Persian food from friends next time so we will have a better experience next time.

We wounded up in movie theater to see Clash of the Titans and enjoyed a huge bucket of popcorn together. I must say that movie has reinvented Greek Mythology quite a bit that I want to make sure I watch the old version sometime or read the book. I was so lost in some parts that I kept asking my husband what happened or who are those characters or their relevance and stuff.

I surely had a long, interesting day today but at the end of the day there's only one thing that mattered to me.... I am going back to my husbands embrace loved and happy =)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


These are cranberry and white chocolate cookies that my husbands made for me. Oh my they are so good! The best cookies I've ever had in my life!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Company Picnic =)

Today was my husband's company picnic at work and boy I must say this was my first "American" picnic.

The food was very different from the picnics I've attended back home in the Philippines. Picnics in the Philippines are loaded with serious foods like rice and chicken adobo and inihaw (Barbeque) and fruits (usually pineapple, watermelon, banana, papaya, mangoes and cantaloupe are the common ones). American picnic defined by this one we went to has burgers and hotdogs as the star, some fruits and salad on the side and some finger foods like nachos, popcorn, pretzels and ice cream bars.

There were lots of kids which is about the same in the Philippines as it is mostly a family thing. Games play part of both American and Filipino picnics.

I was a little iffy at first because I had this feeling I might get alienated or something but there were lots of different nationalities, lots of Asians and to my relief even some Filipinos =) I didn't get into conversations with anyone but I was very happy with my husband. He just held my hand for most part and although there were lots of pretty girls around, he never forgot to reassure me how much he loves me, give me kisses and hugs and tell me how pretty I am in his eyes =)

My husband just tops all husbands for me because he is very reassuring and supporting. There was never a time where I felt unloved by him. There were times when I'd wake up feeling ugly but that was just me self pitying myself or well I guess it's cyclic to anyone. We all get our ugly days and what's important is to have someone remind us that we are foolish to think so!

I really had a blast today! My husband even taught me how to fish. We didn't caught any fish but we did get some branches reeled in! lol! I have never done fishing in my life and this is very memorable for me because I shared two firsts in my life with my husband today - First American picnic and First fishing experience =)

I am really happy and grateful for my husband. He makes me feel special, loved, important and pretty! =)

Husbands reading this, learn how to make your wives happy. My husband always tells me "HAPPY WIFE, HAPPY LIFE!" =)

However, I am not just putting the stress on husbands... Wives, make your husbands happy as much as you can too.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pretty Recycled Bracelets

These bracelets were made out of rolled magazine ads and polymer clay spacers, all of which I made by hand.

I love the idea of being able to make something beautiful and useful out of what people would normally just throw away. This project had been done many times by many different people but it boggles me how we still come up with a lot of waste=(

There is a part of me that wants to go dumpster diving when I see how much and what people throw away. I was born and raised from a third world country and it pains me that many don't realize how blessed they are for what they are and have... If only I had money to send all these ungrateful people to poor countries then perhaps they will come back as a better person with appreciation and gratitude in their hearts and with great respect to mother nature as well as to each other.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Maracas from Recycled Materials

This is a maracas / noisemaker / shaker I crafted out of empty yogurt container that I painted using a plastic paint and the handle is made of rolled weekly ads then wrapped it with some colorful paper. I placed about a tablespoon of unpopped popcorn inside or beans or some pebbles will do too or even sand to make the sound. The lid on top is from an old disposable table cloth and a piece of rubber band to hold it in place. Make sure the rubber band is tight enough or snug to make sure the beans doesn't spill out.

Your kids will definitely enjoy this and will keep them occupied for awhile =) Get ready with your earplugs though as they might shake it unceasingly!!!

Why throw those materials when you can transform them into some projects?!

Have fun =)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Counting down the days...

YES, I am counting down the days to two big days for me...

First is my anniversary here in the U.S. Second is my 6th month of marriage! =)

Honestly I am having mixed emotions on the first one while the second one certainly happy about it!

In about a week or so these two days are happening back to back and it makes me anxious at the same time excited / happy. I think what makes me really anxious is the fact that it'll be 4 years since I left the Philippines and everything that's familiar to me (family, friends, home, comforts, etc.). I am now posted with some big questions in my mind...

1. What has America made out of me?
2. What have I done to better myself in those four years? ( What have I made out of myself?)
3. Do I have regrets and what do I regret about?
4. If there is something I could change what would it be?
5. To wrap all that up, WAS IT WORTH IT???

There had been nights when I was up late beside my husband thinking. It feels like I am desperately seeking for answers to those questions and although at times I think I am closing to my answers, accepting the painful parts and answers are the hardest to swallow.

I have not lived all those four years like a princess. For most part of it God knows what I had to do to survive and thrive. The almost 6 months I've been married is the happiest I've ever been that I can think about for all those four years and I am really grateful for that.

My life has turned out to be a cliche of many cliches... no pain, no gain. no guts, no glory. There's a rainbow after the storm? I guess this is what Google's made for! Browsing.....

Search in progress...

"But now I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth. "
Umberto Eco

" Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

-James Dean-

"I have a simple philosophy: Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where it itches. "
Alice Roosevelt Longworth

It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is the most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel.

I can just go on and on reading quote after quote and nothing could change the fact that I'll find each one of them relevant to me in the last four years!

This is what's meant by being older, you have to be wiser and better wise beyond your years but not everybody gets that. The ups and downs of life makes us and breaks us but at the end of the day we are what we have made and believed ourselves to be.

Hopefully I come up with my answers in the days to come =)

Have a good one friend!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Scrapbook Making =)

This a scrapbook /book that I crafted over the weekend for Montessori Funtime, the Montessori where I volunteer =)

I thought I'd make this to show the kids what we are coming up with the drawings and pages we started doing last week when I came for their arts and craft class.

Truthfully I thought that this will be easy but boy it took me some good hours brainstorming on how I want it to look like and how to put it all together. I guess when you put your passion on something or well do something you're really passionate about you end up putting your heart and soul to it. In the end, you come up with a picture of yourself in many forms =)

I figured this is something that the kids can work on for and by themselves to preserve some precious memories as well as their handwork as the years go by.

A child's art is really one of a kind and we know that they will never be kids forever and for that reason I want to help them preserve some of those creative juices, innocence, purity, humility, honesty, meekness and happiness in those art works. By using those little hands they are able to create and transcend their youth in their own little book.

I guess this is a project that kids and grown ups can enjoy doing together. If there's a storybook you want to pass on for generations to come, there is certainly nothing better than your own book of life where the very essence of your being is preserved and magnified.

Speaking of which, It's about time for me to start one for me and my husband! That would make a great present sometime in the future.

How time flies....

I just realized that in few more days it will be our half year together as married couple! =)

Definitely starting our scrapbook!

Have you started yours???

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Who's Your Favorite M&M?

The question remains:


This is hard for me because I like them all!!!

Talk about chocolate and you got my attention
! OR better yet give me some of those and you got my undivided attention!

Who doesn't like chocolates?

Not me for sure!

Chocolate had been my one and only addiction that I know of for life! My sister used to call me chocholic and I guess she even gave me a button that says exactly that!

I can't think of anything that's better at soothing my stress, comforting me in times of distress and making me happy and contented than a wonderful piece of chocolate =) I think about it and that's just one thing that's never going to leave me. I can have it when I want it and can forget about it and it wouldn't even make a single drama or complaint for being neglected and unloved for a moment. Don't get me wrong, I value human interaction / socialization, companionship and relationships but my piece of chocolate is really the drama free version!

I remember my mom cautioning me few years back that diabetes runs in our family both from her side and my father's side of the family and of course I had my wonderful defense of "I'm not eating too much of it." Then months later I wounded up in the emergency room for hypoglycemia so guess what aside from waking up with that nasty plastic oxygen tube in my nose, a bar of chocolate and a bottle of water were waiting for me! I ended up telling my mom "see it's not bad for me, it's medicine!"

Years later, I came here to America and it was haven! I can buy all the chocolates I want and enjoy them as much as like in whatever form they come provided of course I have the money to sustain my addiction! It was mind blowing that those chocolate that I only eat in moderation and for special occasions only when I was back home in the Philippines (they were imported back home so they were awfully expensive for me!) became ordinary, staple chocolates and my everyday chocolates became the special ones.

How ironic huh?!

I was very overwhelmed by the fact that candies (chocolates) here in the U.S. dress up differently every month for the occasion. For that reason I enjoy candies on clearances almost every month! WEeee!

You wonder why I'm all hyped up and happy most of the time??

Go figure! =)

At this point in time I have two important advises for you:
1. Be happy, eat chocolate.
2. Eat in moderation and exercise!

Come'on you can't just eat and eat and not work for it! I love chocolates but I love myself too...I don't ever want to be the first person who died of eating too much chocolates! =)

Enjoy life and live it at it's best!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Jewelry Making

These are few pieces I've made so far and I must say it kept me busy the whole week! It's so addicting and I got really fixated on making them! =)

I have no training or whatsoever in putting jewelry together but doing arts and crafts is one of my major passions side by side to cooking and baking. It's like putting Lego's together and building something only this one has smaller, more intricate pieces. I think that my designs right now are more on the conservative, classy type rather than the punk or gothic ones however I've always been intrigued by different styles and color combinations as well as textures when it comes to crafting and food. Those elements make your signature as an artist and I think it's important to pay attention to details =)

I poked myself a few times with the wires trying to learn how to cleanly wind them and utilize them. Caution is always important but when I get in the groove I just can't help but oh want to see how it'll look like when it's finished so that the poking here and there doesn't matter much.

I can imagine myself being successful doing things I love and things that I am really passionate about and God knows where life's taking me this time around!

To all the Crafters out there, I would appreciate your advise =)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Art Book Project

It's Wednesday and it's Art Day! =)

I pedaled my way to the Montessori this afternoon to give arts/craft classes to the kids as I usually do on Wednesday afternoons. I was so excited to see the kids amidst the fact that I didn't have a solid plan of what to do with them, arts / craft wise.

I ended up helping them start on few pages of a book I want to make with their artwork/s for Father's Day.

I remembered back when I was younger, my mom always told me that I don't need to buy anything for her or my dad for any occasion... they prefer something I made. Look at me now, I love doing arts and crafts and boy taking it to the next level is the next best thing for me! My parents are my fans when it comes to crafting. It makes me smile to remember how much their support, appreciation and belief in me motivated me to be at my best =) Thank you parents!

I'll post pictures later on of this Art Book Project I'm working on with the kids. They are definitely the cutest, most pure form of art you can find! =)

Parents, cherish your kids. They're only kids once so enjoy every ounce of their youth =)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Best Hamburger Ever!!

The BEST HAMBURGER I've ever eaten in my life!!!

Bias aside, this is the hamburger that my husband made for me for during Memorial Day weekend. We did a barbeque last Sunday, just the two of us and it was so much fun!

I can hardly remember when I last had an outdoor barbeque but I remember for sure that my dad used to do that almost every weekend some years ago. I never got to do barbeque from start to finish myself, I've always been a helper though! =)

My excitement for the barbeque experience was just so high last Sunday that I posted shout out on my Facebook and it was funny how two of my closest friends in high school commented back:

Myra, my friend in London said that people in London are crazy about BBQ's as well when back in the Philippines it was just an ordinary everyday food / activity.

Nadj, my best friend in the Philippines, commented that even the people in the Philippines looks like BBQ because it's very hot back there!

I laughed my ass off for awhile with these comments but I sure did enjoy my weekend with my husband! =)

At the end of the weekend I thanked my husband and verbalized how much I liked that we did the BBQ and he asked me what I liked about it.. was it that he cooked for me or the hamburger that he made for me???

My response was that I liked everything about it!

I loved the hamburger, in fact the BEST HAMBURGER I'VE EVER EATEN IN MY LIFE!

I loved the effort he put into making everything happen from grocery shopping to picking up the charcoal and lighter fluid, to lighting the charcoal to cooking and platting my food to eating together and just enjoying the whole experience! =)

Friday, May 28, 2010

At the end of the day I am a WINNER!

It's been another week and I am concluding it with this picture I dug up from our trip at San Jose, California earlier this year during my brothers visit.

This is just a very happy picture which makes me think of nothing else but that at the end of each day I am a winner just because I have my husband! My mom's words just echoes in my mind, her saying that when you get married you begin to prioritize your husband / family and they just come second in line.

I am feeling very lucky to have my husband for my husband and there's just nothing I could want more than him. He makes everything possible for me! He makes me happy, takes very good care of me, keep me safe and warm and brings out the best in me =) I think that there is nothing more important than having a partner who's nourishing and refreshing the relationship as you do. Of course we've only been married for five months and that is no guarantee that nothing can go wrong in the future but don't you think that a great beginning is a good foundation for the future?? I do!

I have been involved in relationships before but nothing like what I share with my husband now. I look back and I realize how immature I was as well as my exes. It's funny how life shows you how wrong you are/were and have you learn the hard way. Just imagine if we all knew how things are going to turn out each time then we wouldn't have to waste time dealing with pain and frustration and mistakes! Oh boy, only in our imagination!

Anyway, I just really want to boggle your mind a little bit and have you think of what you are happy and grateful for in your life. We are plunging into the long weekend due to Memorial Day and I guess it will be worth our while to realize how lucky and blessed we are for people in our lives, our achievements and the lessons we've learned from our mistakes.

Have a wonderful weekend! =)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Egg Carton Organizers =)

Wondering what you can do with those egg cartons???

This morning I decided to face a challenge that I have been putting off for awhile, organizing my drawer!

You know how every girl's purse is like a black hole where everything just gets zapped in and lost??? That's how my drawer's state had been for months! I hate to admit it but for some reason i was so comfortable to stash everything that I labeled accessories in my mind in that drawer!

Every girl has her stash of things both essential and sentimental nick nacks and organizing can be painstaking at times. I hate how my necklaces would be all entwined with each other and right when you are in a hurry to leave you just can't pull that one you need out and you end up either leaving without it or getting late trying to undo the knots!

I had to undo the knots awhile back and I spent a good 10 minutes doing it. I guess I was just lucky that I only had a few pieces of necklaces and oh add my earrings all in a big ball! When I got done separating them I had to think of solving that problem to save me some precious time in the future.

I have a secret pile of trash that I have been keeping away from my husband so I decided to dig through it and found the egg cartons which I thought was perfect for this project! =) They are great because they come naturally with cavities that can nestle your earrings, necklaces and bracelets while separated with each other. The white containers holding my stash of make-up were tofu containers! =)

You can certainly paint them to give them a new look but I was pretty happy to just use them as they are for now until I find the time to paint them in the future.

Remember to keep in mind organizing your stuff when you are dealing with your recycle trash. You'll never know what can you use to keep your house in good shape =)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010



This was my and my husband's candy project few months ago, both our first time making candies ever! It was lots of fun and quite an experience I must say! After this activity that we shared together we picked up two great lessons:

1. Specialty chocolates have a lot of profit margin to it and
2. Savor every bite =)

I guess you learn to appreciate things better when you know where they come from and how they were made. I had the same lessons learned few years ago when I learned how to make bread. After I made my very first batch of bread that I had to knead and shape by hand, the value of bread was never the same again... I savored every bite each time!=)

Try it sometime and I am pretty sure you will have so much fun working with chocolates. You have to be patient though because the fist few batches don't come out perfect each time. Experimentation is very important.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Children Learn What They Live

Let me share with you this wonderful poem =)

This is a poem that our teacher from high school had us memorize but of course I've forgotten it by this time, thanks to the internet --- it's within reach!

Here it goes....

Children Learn What They Live
By Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

Isn't it a very beautiful poem?? I thought I'd post it here to share... something to ponder on =)

Monday, May 24, 2010

More Booties =)

These are the four booties/shoes I've made for my nephew so far and it's so addicting! =)
It seems like I can't stop and oh what do I do?!

I think there is something to being able to create something beautiful out of raw materials and scraps. For somebody who hasn't really done serious sewing like me oh boy this is quite an achievement for me and I am happy and proud about it more so when I get to see pictures of my nephew wearing them =)